I know Dove’s Real Beauty sketches aren’t exactly new, but this week I re-watched this video, and I’ve been thinking about the idea that we are all more beautiful than we know.
More special to others than we experience within ourselves.
It is so moving to see how beautiful you are in someone else’s eyes.
Remember that today, this week and next.
You are more amazing than you know. And many people think so.
How would you act, how would you talk, how would you dress and stand if you could see yourself the way others do?
What would your life be like if you believed yourself to be special, unique, beautiful?
The way these women react to seeing the picture they’ve created of themselves in their minds tells me that the fear we walk around with is armor we don’t need. The stories we tell ourselves about how we look or dress, how smart we are or aren’t just aren’t true.
What the world needs more of is each of us to try and drop just a little of the armor we are wearing. And allow in the idea that we are more beautiful than we believe.
Will you give it a try?
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