Stress causes inflammation, which causes your immune system to weaken, which leaves us prone to all kinds of viruses and illness. Here are some tips on how to live a calmer, happier, and healthier life.
1. Exercise
Do not be a couch potato. Especially when we’re fatigued, stressed out and pushed to the brink of insanity, or simply aren’t feeling well, this can be a tough one. Nonetheless, to the extent possible get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. If the weather is decent, get outside. Fresh air and vitamin D is great for the body and soul. Anything you love, go for it! Even walking around Costco will count in a pinch. The important thing is to move around. Exercise releases endorphins, elevates your mood, strengthens your heart, and makes you stronger. These are all fabulous reasons to move, move, and move some more.
2. Sleep
Getting a good night’s rest is essential for health. It’s when your body repairs itself. And it’s also when we emotionally repair and rejuvenate, too. Lack of sleep causes tremendous emotional and physical stress. Take naps when possible and when needed. Listen to your body. You may need six hours or ten hours. Whatever you require, get it.
3. Take Time For You
Do something you love that calms and centers you (and don’t feel guilt for doing it). This can be reading a book, taking a “stay-cation” (vacation in your own city) solo or with a close friend. Take a hot bath or go for a horseback ride or movie. Be selfish, it’s ok. After all, it’s hard to properly care for others if we aren’t taking care of ourselves first.
4. Smile and Laugh (A Lot)
Laughter actually calms our souls. So if you can’t find anything in your own life that’s particularly joyful in the moment, go see a funny movie or read a light and happy book. Go play with a friend’s puppy. Whatever it is that makes you smile, do it. Do it often.
5. Limit Criticizing Others
Even when you’re tempted to gossip or speak poorly about others, refrain. Ok, vent (a little) when you must. But then move on. Putting others down, harboring anger, resentment– all of these emotions are terrible for the soul. And it’ll stress you out and make you sad.
6. Get A Massage or Hit The Spa
Massages are mentally and physically relaxing. If you haven’t indulged, do it. You’ll love it. You’ll forget what you were worried about when walking in. Or if you remember, it won’t seem quite as important afterwards.
7. Get Therapy
Sometimes speaking about our frustrations, fears and anger with a neutral third party is incredibly helpful. Know when you need it and don’t make apologies to anyone for getting help.
8. Help Someone Else
Few things take our thoughts away from our own stresses in life than helping someone else out. Make dinner for someone who is sick or struggling. Walk dogs at an animal shelter. Offer to care for someone’s child for the afternoon. Play games with seniors at a retirement community. Clip someone’s hedges even if they haven’t asked for it (just be careful not to do anything too drastic without first making sure they won’t hate it!).
9. Pray or Meditate
Turning your struggles over to a higher power is incredibly de-stressing. Find a quiet place that inspires you and take 30 minutes to simply pray, meditate and think. Leave your cell phone at home. No distractions. Go alone.
10. Commune With Mother Nature
Get outdoors and view the natural beauty that surrounds you. Take time to stop and look, breathe and listen.
11. Take a Vacation
Get away from your troubles by visiting some place you love or that you’ve never been. It can be somewhere local (like a museum) or somewhere far away (like another country).
12. Diffuse a Scent While Sleeping
Invest in a diffuser and pick a calming sent before going to bed. Try lavender or lemon.
13. Get Rid Of Unhealthy Relationships
If someone is weighing you down, consider ending the relationship entirely. Not all people should be in your life and it’s ok to walk away. If you’re in a terrible marriage, it’s time to plot your escape. If you’re dating someone that isn’t amazing, get rid of him. Friends that drag you down? Perhaps it’s time to cut them out. Make sure you take care of you.
14. Clean and De-clutter
It’s hard to relax when your physical space is a mess. If you can’t clean yourself, consider hiring a maid or professional organizer to get you caught up.
15. Take a Hot Bath
Warm water is reduces inflammation and is calming to the soul. Add Epsom salts and a deliciously smelling scent. Turn down the lights and simply breathe and clear your mind.
16. Turn Off Your Phone
Take some time to leave your phone at home and be present to what’s around you. The light from your phone or computer late at night can actually stimulate your senses. Definitely put everything electronic away at least 30-minutes prior to bedtime. It’ll help with insomnia.
17. Avoid Traffic and Crowds
Traffic and crowds increases heart rate and is a huge stress inducer. Plan driving around peak traffic times as much as possible. Go to dinner earlier or later than most, and avoid peak shopping times.
18. Don’t Watch Violent Movies, TV Shows, or Read Books Before Bedtime
An action flick, news story about a violent incident, or a controversial book before bedtime can make it almost impossible to fall asleep. Save those things for earlier in the day.
19. Wear Comfy Clothes, Shower, And Get Presentable
How we look and feel often impacts our moods in a huge way. Make sure you’re wearing something comfy but that makes you feel great, get showered and cleaned up, and be presentable even if you’re staying inside. It helps.
20. Breathe
When all else fails and we’re angry and frustrated, don’t forget to breathe. Big, deep breaths. Close your eyes. Picture your happy place and mentally go there. Just make sure you’re not driving when you do this.
Love this! In some ways we are cut from same cloth. I do every single thing on your list. Most recently: last night I opened an envelope of fragrance samples I’d ordered (great, cheap way to have finer perfumes…) and dabbed them pretty much over my whole body so I could sample them all. Was a great night’s sleep:) Especially love the lemon scented Annick Goutal Eau d’Hadrien, which I put on the tops of my hands since I’d already put another sample on my wrists!