Anne Lamott the funny, nutty, fast-talking, ‘born-again’ author whose books include Bird by Bird, Operating Instructions, Traveling Mercies, and Blue Shoe has a certain way of saying certain things. She is one of life’s great truth tellers…in my opinion. One of the most popular voices in contemporary spirituality, she has a remarkable gift for handling serious and unfunny topics – religion, motherhood, eating disorders, death and loss in a witty and disarming way. Her writing is rich with truth and raw with personal experiences. Something I think Divorced Moms readers can identify with.
About the Author is a community and resource for the tens of millions of divorced moms worldwide. provides a place for divorced moms of all ages in and in all stages of the divorce process to find information, connect with other divorced moms, and share and publish their own stories and experiences.
Led by divorce expert Cathy W. Meyer, DivorcedMoms provides a comprehensive Resource Center covering the full range of issues relating to divorce, including state by... Read More
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