Have you ever compared dating after divorce to a Cinnabon? I hadn’t either. At least not until I sat down to write this article. You’ll be surprised to find how many similarities there actually are between the two.
When done well, in moderation and with the right motives, both dating and Cinnabons can be quite sweet and delicious. Both can be considered one of life’s finest treats. They are exciting, comforting and can serve as great company on a lonely evening, or a boring breakfast.
Regardless of their comparisons, one of them will always come out on top. I’m here to assure you that dating, though similar, is much better than a cream-covered Cinnabon.
Both dating and Cinnabons require you to take a risk. Dating harbors the possibility of rejection, which can lead to regret, while a good Cinnabon harbors way too many calories, which can also lead to immediate regret.
However, as the great cliché says, “It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Trust me on this one; you will look back on your life and regret not putting yourself out there in the dating world more than you would ever regret not eating enough Cinnabons.
If you eat too many Cinnabons or unsuccessfully date too many men, you are likely to develop minor stomach pains. This is why moderation is important in both departments. However, dating and Cinnabons can also grow cold over time if left unattended, which is why you shouldn’t miss out completely on either opportunity.
Don’t be afraid to ask the man you’ve been eyeing out on a date. The worst that can happen is that he declines your offer, in which case you are left exactly where you started without the false hope that maybe, one day, the two of you will get together.
I have seen too many women spend too many years pining over the same man, waiting for the perfect opportunity to arise. Meanwhile, they’re missing out on every other potential suitor that surrounds them. Don’t be this kind of woman. If you want the Cinnabon, go after it. If you want the man, you have to ask him out.
The decision to start dating again can render great hesitation. You may find yourself asking the same questions that you would ponder at a bakery while staring at the display of warm, gooey Cinnabon.
Is this worth my time, or the calories? Is he right for me, or my health? What will my family think if I date this man, or devour this fresh Cinnabon while all the other mothers are still eating the same low-fat muffin they got married to?
While you know Cinnabons aren’t necessarily the most practical, or nutritionally balanced snack, that doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself. How long has it been since your last Cinnabon?
How long has it been since your last real date?
If you’re ready to get back in the saddle, do it. That Cinnabon, or a nice date, might be just the thing you need after a stressful day or a long divorce.
While Cinnabons are a comfort food, the idea of dating might come as a completely foreign and frightful idea. However, when done properly, meeting someone new can be a wonderful thing… even better than a cinnamon pastry.
Bottom line, here are 4 reasons dating after divorce is better than a Cinnabon:
1. Dating allows you to try all different flavors until you find your favorite one. Let’s face it; as good as aCinnabons might be, no one wants to eat them every day for the rest of their life.
2. Dating, when done with the right person, stays fresher much longer than a Cinnabon. Cinnabons have a one or two-day shelf life. Even my shortest relationships were longer than that.
3. Cinnabons are not going to provide for you. They’ll provide about ten minutes of pure pastry bliss and then they’re gone. When you find the right person, they’ll offer much more than that. They will offer love and support. On the contrary, a Cinnabon can sometimes, inadvertently, cause deep regret and self-shaming.
4. When done in moderation, dating and eating aCinnabons can be the sweetest, most delicious thing you’ve done all year. Nonetheless, dating is far better. After all, a Cinnabon lasts you one meal, one measly little meal that will probably leave you feeling bloated. That’s a wasted three dollars if you ask me.
Dating, on the other hand, when with the right person, can last an entire lifetime. And that, my friends, is priceless.
I’ve been ready to get back in the saddle for years but since I’ve become a single mother no one has been interested in dating me let alone getting into a relationship. My last date was about 9 years ago. I’ve literally been on handful of dates since I’ve had my son. Most were fix ups orchestrated by family and friends, a couple were ppl I’d met online. Cinnabons are a better bet at this point.