My husband recently traded “down” to a younger woman and ended our 30-year relationship. She is not yet his wife as they can’t marry until this divorce is officially over. The really ironic part is that she was busy being born just as my future husband and I were meeting on the beach. Kismet? Fate? Creepy!
4 Things I’m Saying To Men Who Trade “Down” For A Younger Wife
1. I really have to say that I don’t understand why a younger woman would want to marry an older man. Maybe they have daddy issues. Maybe they are tired of working and want a Sugar Daddy, after all how many older guys without money, driving crappy cars do you see with hot younger wives? When I was younger, you really didn’t see that many older men/younger women couples. My friends and I never even thought about dating someone older, we were having too much fun with men our own age. We didn’t care how much money an older man may have had. So what does this say about the type of women that are willing to break up a marriage? How long will they be satisfied with you as their “prize” and how long will it last before they do some trading of their own?
2. I know that men are visual creatures and looking at a wife your own age day after day may conflict with your self-image. You may think that being with a younger woman makes you appear younger. After all you are not spending the majority of your time looking into a mirror, so looking at a younger woman may fool you into believing you are young again. It actually has the opposite effect on the rest of us. Seeing an older man with a younger woman only makes the man look even older. When my husband and I were young, and we would see an older man at dinner with a younger woman, we used to laugh and say how nice we thought it was that this man was taking his daughter to dinner. Now my almost ex-husband has become one of those couples we used to laugh at.
3. Maybe you married a younger woman due to your full-blown midlife crisis. You might have purchased a sports car and started dying your hair. When that didn’t assuage your ego you probably thought that marrying someone younger would help you recapture your youthful, unencumbered lifestyle. Life with a younger woman does not come without problems. They have emotional baggage that a lot of older women have already worked through. Their biological clocks are still ticking and they may want to have children. You may even think you want more kids to start over again because you screwed it up the first time. In your first marriage you thought you wanted kids but when you realized it was hard work you lost interest. This will most likely happen again because you were the problem the first time around. Unless you are too old and tired this time to care.
4. There are many men out there that are more handsome, more mature and more self-confident than you are. Hugh Jackman is a wonderful example. His wife is 13 years older than he is and they have been married for 19 years. He is tall, self-assured and absolutely gorgeous, not to mention famous. Hollywood is a hotbed of temptation and I’m sure he has more than his share of invitations to stray, but he is a real man, and real men put their families first. That is how married life is supposed to be.
I know of a man who left his wife and family to marry a younger woman. He and his new young wife are expecting twins and he still hasn’t stopped having affairs with younger women. A leopard can’t change their spots! When you married your first wife, you made a vow of till death do us part (or something close to that) if you are reading this now it means you aren’t dead yet. Grow up!
hahahaha. Your pussy is not tight in old age. Your expectations are higher than a young woman. You aren’t as beautiful as she is. She has a more upbeat personality. She see’s an older man as somebody with knowledge she can learn from and experience life with. Makes him feel young. All you see is all the mistakes he’s made and all the ways he disappointed you. You aren’t sexually desirable. There are lots of reasons old men want younger women and vise versa. Young women are looking for stability and older men have more money than younger men. It’s a perfect match. Older men may still be interested in breeding and young women can have babies and old hags can’t. Old women should become lesbians and take care of the grand kids. It’s your only options besides being single the rest of your lives.
Why are you trolling “Divorced Moms”, it sounds like you have issues. Calling it “breeding” is a huge red flag, just because you can have a child doesn’t mean you should. As men get older, sperm quality isn’t as great as it used to be.The baby’s risk for mental health or brain disorders may be higher. A father’s older age can cause schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or autism spectrum disorder. Here’s the article: The younger woman may make you feel young, but she makes you look old. I am happy, single and enjoying my best life. Enjoy those kids!