There are so many emotions that come with divorce: excitement, dread, a sense of loss. Someone newly single can easily feel overwhelmed, scared, relieved, and the list goes on and on. It’s overwhelming just to consider the emotions, let alone deal with them! So where do you go to find help and support? Below is a list of five places you can find support to help you manage the emotions that come with being single again.
- Find a therapist or coach. Both are there to support you, to guide you through the journey of emotions that divorce takes you on. Find a therapist or coach that gives you what you need. If you need someone to coddle you a bit while you deal, then there is a coach or therapist that can help you with that. If you need someone to tell you like it is, there’s a coach or therapist whose personality fits that bill, too. Search online. Many are willing to work with you online, too, so you’re not limited to who is near you.
- Online support groups. There are co-parenting support groups, divorce support groups, single Mom support groups, and many others that could be listed. Go to Facebook or Google+ and start searching! The members in it are going through similar emotions to you and are there to support you as you support them. Some groups are run by a coach or therapist, too, so you get access to their point of view when you post a question.
- Meetup groups. Have you checked out their site? If you’re looking for face-to-face support from someone who “gets it,” the Meetup site may be worth your time in checking it out. There may be a Meetup group in your area for someone who is newly single. But, if not, you can easily start one and they’ll do the work to market it. The groups will be listed along with a goal for the members. Some groups are meant for newly single people to get out and meet someone new whereas others are there purely for support for the members. Some are educational whereas others are more free during their meeting time.
- Get out with your friends. One of the best ways to heal and to get support is to get out there with the people that know you best. Whether you and your friends switch off houses and spend time in laughing and talking or you go out and try new restaurants together, the goal is to be together. It’s hard to feel alone when you’re with those who care about you.
- Find a support group in your hometown. Many larger cities are filled with support groups for everything from divorce to co-parenting to parenting through depression. Do a search and meet some new people who are dealing with the same issues you are. These support groups are run by people who are educated in helping you through the emotions that come with being newly single. Both the facilitator and the group members can offer insight and support.
Though all of those are wonderful ways to find support when you’re newly single, there’s a bonus tip in here for you.
- Become your own best support system. Divorce is one of those times in your life where you have the opportunity to start from scratch, get rid of the old and embrace the new. When you’re doing this, you are forced to learn a lot about yourself. Take this time to really get to know who you are, who you want to be, and figure out how to get there! No one has a goal of getting divorced, but everyone has the chance to make the best of life after it happens. Journal, meditate, or use any of your favorite coping skills to help you get through one of the hardest times in your life. The sense of pride you’ll feel with every step towards your new goals you create will be the motivation you need to keep going.
You’re not alone after a divorce, your support life is just going through upgrades. These aren’t your only paths to support. Comment below and tell us what paths you have taken to feel less alone after a divorce!
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