Divorce can involve so many emotions and details that often you forget to take care of someone very important–yourself. While therapy is recommended for anyone ending a marriage, not everyone has the time or money. But don’t despair! Women can find divorce support groups online.
An online support group can give you the chance to openly talk about your feelings with other women who are going through the same thing. Even if you have never participated in a support group, you will find that it can help you through a difficult time. Online forums also give you the chance to discuss anonymously and privately the process of starting a new chapter in your life.
Below is a list of 6 online resources for women experiencing or recovering from divorce.
1. DivorcedMoms.com
We couldn’t forget the site you’re reading this article on! No one understands what you are going through better than other moms who have been there. Through DivorcedMoms you can connect directly with other divorced moms and share all your emotions– heartache, humor, empowerment and all those in between. DivorcedMoms not only features articles from experts and blogs from women who have first-hand experience with divorce, but also forums, links to state laws and a directory of professionals–from lawyers to counselors–who can help you through this difficult time. They are also active on social media with Facebook and Twitter.
Divorced Moms On a Mission
A private online divorce support group can give you the chance to openly talk about your feelings with other women going through the same thing. This group is set-up by DivorcedMoms.com and provides women access to experts in the field of divorce and other divorcing women to share with and learn from.
2. First Wives World
First Wives World is a private, secure environment for women going through separation, relationship challenges or divorce. The site provides support through social forums, discussions, and groups. The site isn’t just limited to forums, however, it also provides instructional articles, legal news, interviews with professionals in various fields — including finance and psychology—and a directory of vetted professionals. YOu can also sign up for their weekly newsletter.
3. Reddit: Divorce
Although Reddit is not the most beautiful and eye-catching forum you’ll ever see, it is extremely popular and has moderators who are very active. Posting a question or starting a discussion will usually get a response in only a few hours. If you’re new to this forum–even if you are already a Reddit user–make sure that you read and follow their guidelines and directions before posting anything. When posting in the forum, hey do prefer that you provide basic information such as your age, how long you were married, kids, reasons for the divorce, etc to keep repeated questions to a minimum.
4. Women’s Divorce.com Forums
As the name suggests, the entire website is devoted to handling a divorce from a woman’s point of view. Besides their active forums, you’ll find comprehensive information on the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of ending your marriage, as well as articles for starting over and rebuilding your life.
They also offer divorce-related book reviews, surveys, inspirational quotes and related resources. A divorce survival newsletter is available by email subscription.
5. LoveShack.org
How can you resist a website named after a catchy song? The website is devoted to all kinds of interpersonal relationships, whether it is with partners, children, parents, co-workers, friends or neighbors.
The site is divided into forums and sub-forums for the purpose of encouraging conversations about specific topics in dedicated. Once these discussions are held, the threads remain as an archive that can continue to help people even after the conversation has ended.
Most of the topics of interest to women going thru a divorce can be found in the Breaking Up, Reconciliation & Coping section of the forum.
6. Surviving Infidelity
Surviving Infidelity is exactly what the name says, a place where those who have been betrayed by a partner can go with their special needs. Interestingly, the website even provides a forum for the betraying partner, provided they are “remorseful and committed to healing”.
Surviving Infidelity forums include for people who have newly discovered an affair, reconciling with a partner after infidelity, divorce, and separation, re-entering the single life to name a few.
FAQs About Alternative To Therapy After Divorce:
Is there an alternative to therapy for divorce?
The best alternative to therapy after divorce are the divorce support groups, which can also be found online. Therapy is recommended for anyone, who has gone through the process of divorce, but alternatives can be opted for if you don’t have time or money.
What can I expect from a divorce support group?
A divorce support group will make you feel at home because it allows you to talk about your feelings openly with other women in similar situations. You can develop friendships and learn from the experiences of other divorced women. If you are pressed for time or don’t feel like attending a divorce support group physically, you can also join an online divorce support group anonymously.
How do I connect with other divorced moms?
Through divorcedmoms.com you can connect with other divorced moms and share your story, besides learning from their experiences. You can share your heartache, humor, empowerment, ordeal and everything in between. DivorcedMoms has forums, links to state laws and a directory of professionals–from lawyers to counselors–who can help you through this difficult time.
What is divorcedmoms?
DivorcedMoms is a private online support group, which provides you with an opportunity to openly talk about your feelings with other women with similar experiences. This group is set up by divorcedmom.com and provides women with access to experts in the field of divorce.
Where can I find support for separation?
Separation can be just as hard as divorce and require a network of support and advice for women to go through it. First Wives World is a private, secure environment for women going through separation, relationship challenges or divorce. The site provides support through social forums, discussions, and groups.
Is Reddit helpful for divorced women?
Reddit is a very popular platform for divorced women, where you can find answers to your questions usually in a matter of a few hours. You get a lot of responses when you either post a question or start a discussion.
What is a good resource for help on infidelity?
You can go to ‘Surviving Infidelity’ to get advice on what to do when you have been betrayed or trying to reconcile with a partner who has betrayed you. ‘Surviving Infidelity’ also hosts a forum for betraying partners, provided they are committed to healing and restoring their relationship.
I try not to self promote, but I would love to throw my Facebook Group (Your Divorce Resource Community) into this list as it is one of the most supportive groups I have seen.
Revenge Your Ex
Each day hundreds of men and women seek revenge on their ex-mates for a
variety of reasons, usually because they got dumped or where cheated on.
Revenge comes in many ways. It typically starts by using social media to
vent, and then escalates from there. Now sites like “Get Revenge On Your Ex”
for a fee will help you get pay back or revenge.
So what is the best way to get revenge besides slashing her tires, posting
nude photos of her and so on.
The best way according to the web site Right Choices 101 is to live your
life well. This is true no matter who you are seeking revenge on. Coworkers,
past bosses, bad friends or ex-lovers. Put your energy into succeeding and
enjoying your life, not wasting your time, energy and resources on revenge
that can end up costing you much more. Plus, when you seek revenge, you send
them a massage that you have not gotten over the relationship. It’s much
better to show you are indifferent and don’t care.
According to Kenneth Agee of A Foreign Affair, a service that specializes in
helping men find young beautiful foreign women, “The best revenge is to date
or marry a women 10 years younger than your ex. This will piss her off to no
end. No woman ever wants to be replaced with a younger, more attractive
woman. Just like a man never likes to get replaced by a guy who is wealthier
or more successful.
I will never forget one of my first clients we took to Saint Petersburg,
Russia.” says Agee, “The client told me that two days on our tour was better
than two years of therapy. Having hundreds of attractive women fighting over
you gets your ex out of your mind pretty quick.
I personally went through break up when my ex ran off with another man. But
a short time later, I met a new lady who was ten times better. I ran into
that man who stole my ex and I gave him a big thanks. In fact, I could not
thank him enough. He was stuck with an older nagging women, while I was now
with a young, beautiful, caring women. Plus, my ex had gained about 100
pounds. I don’t look at that fellow as any kind of enemy but as the person
who saved me from my ex and years of suffering.” This is the best a revenge
when you win without lowering yourself.
Other sites like “Get Over Her Now” give practical advice and tips for
getting over a past relationship.
Top Tips from Get Over Her Now:
Start making platonic relationships with as many women as possible, old,
young, skinny, fat, cute or ugly. This greatly helps you get back in the
game of socializing with the opposite sex. And it opens up lots
opportunities to meet their cute attractive friends in a more relaxed
environment. This also helps you build your game and confidence.
Improve yourself, start working out, get up early every day and exercise.
Buy new clothes. Dressing better makes you feel better and improves your
Focus on work and getting a promotion or raise. Don’t let a break up effect
your work negatively. Put that extra effort into work and it will pay off
with a better position and more money. This will also build your confidence
and help attract better quality women.
Any time you are depressed, improving yourself helps greatly. When you feel
depressed, don’t sit and watch TV and then sleep-in late. Get out and do
something that will make you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Take a
class, go hiking, fix something you’ve been putting off.
Don’t start drinking. Drinking will always have a negative impact on your
life. Don’t drink while depressed or when you are trying to get over some
one. After all, drinking is for celebrating. So if you are not celebrating
something, don’t drink. A quality women is not going to be attracted to
someone who drinks a lot or has a drinking problem.
Don’t sleep in; sleeping late increases depression. Get up as early as you
can and go for a walk, take a hike, or go to the Gym. Research shows getting
up early and exercising can eliminate depression. You will have no game be
Don’t binge eat. If you start gaining weight, you will feel less self-worth
and lose your confidence. Confidence is a quality that women are extremely
attracted to.
Conclusion, the best revenge is when you improve your life so well that she
realizes she made a big mistake. And satisfaction comes when you meet
someone so much better, you are glad the ex is gone. After all, if you are
seeking revenge, how great could she really have been in the first place!
Revenge Your Ex
Each day hundreds of men and women seek revenge on their ex-mates for a
variety of reasons, usually because they got dumped or where cheated on.
Revenge comes in many ways. It typically starts by using social media to
vent, and then escalates from there. Now sites like “Get Revenge On Your Ex”
for a fee will help you get pay back or revenge.
So what is the best way to get revenge besides slashing her tires, posting
nude photos of her and so on.
The best way according to the web site Right Choices 101 is to live your
life well. This is true no matter who you are seeking revenge on. Coworkers,
past bosses, bad friends or ex-lovers. Put your energy into succeeding and
enjoying your life, not wasting your time, energy and resources on revenge
that can end up costing you much more. Plus, when you seek revenge, you send
them a massage that you have not gotten over the relationship. It’s much
better to show you are indifferent and don’t care.
According to Kenneth Agee of A Foreign Affair, a service that specializes in
helping men find young beautiful foreign women, “The best revenge is to date
or marry a women 10 years younger than your ex. This will piss her off to no
end. No woman ever wants to be replaced with a younger, more attractive
woman. Just like a man never likes to get replaced by a guy who is wealthier
or more successful.
I will never forget one of my first clients we took to Saint Petersburg,
Russia.” says Agee, “The client told me that two days on our tour was better
than two years of therapy. Having hundreds of attractive women fighting over
you gets your ex out of your mind pretty quick.
I personally went through break up when my ex ran off with another man. But
a short time later, I met a new lady who was ten times better. I ran into
that man who stole my ex and I gave him a big thanks. In fact, I could not
thank him enough. He was stuck with an older nagging women, while I was now
with a young, beautiful, caring women. Plus, my ex had gained about 100
pounds. I don’t look at that fellow as any kind of enemy but as the person
who saved me from my ex and years of suffering.” This is the best a revenge
when you win without lowering yourself.
Other sites like “Get Over Her Now” give practical advice and tips for
getting over a past relationship.
Top Tips from Get Over Her Now:
Start making platonic relationships with as many women as possible, old,
young, skinny, fat, cute or ugly. This greatly helps you get back in the
game of socializing with the opposite sex. And it opens up lots
opportunities to meet their cute attractive friends in a more relaxed
environment. This also helps you build your game and confidence.
Improve yourself, start working out, get up early every day and exercise.
Buy new clothes. Dressing better makes you feel better and improves your
Focus on work and getting a promotion or raise. Don’t let a break up effect
your work negatively. Put that extra effort into work and it will pay off
with a better position and more money. This will also build your confidence
and help attract better quality women.
Any time you are depressed, improving yourself helps greatly. When you feel
depressed, don’t sit and watch TV and then sleep-in late. Get out and do
something that will make you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Take a
class, go hiking, fix something you’ve been putting off.
Don’t start drinking. Drinking will always have a negative impact on your
life. Don’t drink while depressed or when you are trying to get over some
one. After all, drinking is for celebrating. So if you are not celebrating
something, don’t drink. A quality women is not going to be attracted to
someone who drinks a lot or has a drinking problem.
Don’t sleep in; sleeping late increases depression. Get up as early as you
can and go for a walk, take a hike, or go to the Gym. Research shows getting
up early and exercising can eliminate depression. You will have no game be
Don’t binge eat. If you start gaining weight, you will feel less self-worth
and lose your confidence. Confidence is a quality that women are extremely
attracted to.
Conclusion, the best revenge is when you improve your life so well that she
realizes she made a big mistake. And satisfaction comes when you meet
someone so much better, you are glad the ex is gone. After all, if you are
seeking revenge, how great could she really have been in the first place!
Nice info! It is very important to pay attention to these points before hiring a divorce lawyer. Such lawyer specialise in divorce and annulment. Lawyers like on http://www.facebook.com/public/Bechara-Tarabay can provide many services during these hard times. There are many issues that you may not even know about that a divorce lawyer can help you with. These include, mediation, financial planning, avoiding going to court, visitation and custody.
Nice infomative post! These groups would be very benefiacial for the divorced moms. Also consulting a good lawyer, who may also act as a counseller, is very beneficial. Lawyers like http://www.facebook.com/public/Bechara-Tarabay also act as a counseller to help dealing with the divorce proceedings.
Revenge Your Ex
Each day hundreds of men and women seek revenge on their ex-mates for a
variety of reasons, usually because they got dumped or where cheated on.
Revenge comes in many ways. It typically starts by using social media to
vent, and then escalates from there. Now sites like “Get Revenge On Your Ex”
for a fee will help you get pay back or revenge.
So what is the best way to get revenge besides slashing her tires, posting
nude photos of her and so on.
The best way according to the web site Right Choices 101 is to live your
life well. This is true no matter who you are seeking revenge on. Coworkers,
past bosses, bad friends or ex-lovers. Put your energy into succeeding and
enjoying your life, not wasting your time, energy and resources on revenge
that can end up costing you much more. Plus, when you seek revenge, you send
them a massage that you have not gotten over the relationship. It’s much
better to show you are indifferent and don’t care.
According to Kenneth Agee of A Foreign Affair, a service that specializes in
helping men find young beautiful foreign women, “The best revenge is to date
or marry a women 10 years younger than your ex. This will piss her off to no
end. No woman ever wants to be replaced with a younger, more attractive
woman. Just like a man never likes to get replaced by a guy who is wealthier
or more successful.
I will never forget one of my first clients we took to Saint Petersburg,
Russia.” says Agee, “The client told me that two days on our tour was better
than two years of therapy. Having hundreds of attractive women fighting over
you gets your ex out of your mind pretty quick.
I personally went through break up when my ex ran off with another man. But
a short time later, I met a new lady who was ten times better. I ran into
that man who stole my ex and I gave him a big thanks. In fact, I could not
thank him enough. He was stuck with an older nagging women, while I was now
with a young, beautiful, caring women. Plus, my ex had gained about 100
pounds. I don’t look at that fellow as any kind of enemy but as the person
who saved me from my ex and years of suffering.” This is the best a revenge
when you win without lowering yourself.
Other sites like “Get Over Her Now” give practical advice and tips for
getting over a past relationship.
Top Tips from Get Over Her Now:
Start making platonic relationships with as many women as possible, old,
young, skinny, fat, cute or ugly. This greatly helps you get back in the
game of socializing with the opposite sex. And it opens up lots
opportunities to meet their cute attractive friends in a more relaxed
environment. This also helps you build your game and confidence.
Improve yourself, start working out, get up early every day and exercise.
Buy new clothes. Dressing better makes you feel better and improves your
Focus on work and getting a promotion or raise. Don’t let a break up effect
your work negatively. Put that extra effort into work and it will pay off
with a better position and more money. This will also build your confidence
and help attract better quality women.
Any time you are depressed, improving yourself helps greatly. When you feel
depressed, don’t sit and watch TV and then sleep-in late. Get out and do
something that will make you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Take a
class, go hiking, fix something you’ve been putting off.
Don’t start drinking. Drinking will always have a negative impact on your
life. Don’t drink while depressed or when you are trying to get over some
one. After all, drinking is for celebrating. So if you are not celebrating
something, don’t drink. A quality women is not going to be attracted to
someone who drinks a lot or has a drinking problem.
Don’t sleep in; sleeping late increases depression. Get up as early as you
can and go for a walk, take a hike, or go to the Gym. Research shows getting
up early and exercising can eliminate depression. You will have no game be
Don’t binge eat. If you start gaining weight, you will feel less self-worth
and lose your confidence. Confidence is a quality that women are extremely
attracted to.
Conclusion, the best revenge is when you improve your life so well that she
realizes she made a big mistake. And satisfaction comes when you meet
someone so much better, you are glad the ex is gone. After all, if you are
seeking revenge, how great could she really have been in the first place!
Revenge Your Ex
Each day hundreds of men and women seek revenge on their ex-mates for a
variety of reasons, usually because they got dumped or where cheated on.
Revenge comes in many ways. It typically starts by using social media to
vent, and then escalates from there. Now sites like “Get Revenge On Your Ex”
for a fee will help you get pay back or revenge.
So what is the best way to get revenge besides slashing her tires, posting
nude photos of her and so on.
The best way according to the web site Right Choices 101 is to live your
life well. This is true no matter who you are seeking revenge on. Coworkers,
past bosses, bad friends or ex-lovers. Put your energy into succeeding and
enjoying your life, not wasting your time, energy and resources on revenge
that can end up costing you much more. Plus, when you seek revenge, you send
them a massage that you have not gotten over the relationship. It’s much
better to show you are indifferent and don’t care.
According to Kenneth Agee of A Foreign Affair, a service that specializes in
helping men find young beautiful foreign women, “The best revenge is to date
or marry a women 10 years younger than your ex. This will piss her off to no
end. No woman ever wants to be replaced with a younger, more attractive
woman. Just like a man never likes to get replaced by a guy who is wealthier
or more successful.
I will never forget one of my first clients we took to Saint Petersburg,
Russia.” says Agee, “The client told me that two days on our tour was better
than two years of therapy. Having hundreds of attractive women fighting over
you gets your ex out of your mind pretty quick.
I personally went through break up when my ex ran off with another man. But
a short time later, I met a new lady who was ten times better. I ran into
that man who stole my ex and I gave him a big thanks. In fact, I could not
thank him enough. He was stuck with an older nagging women, while I was now
with a young, beautiful, caring women. Plus, my ex had gained about 100
pounds. I don’t look at that fellow as any kind of enemy but as the person
who saved me from my ex and years of suffering.” This is the best a revenge
when you win without lowering yourself.
Other sites like “Get Over Her Now” give practical advice and tips for
getting over a past relationship.
Top Tips from Get Over Her Now:
Start making platonic relationships with as many women as possible, old,
young, skinny, fat, cute or ugly. This greatly helps you get back in the
game of socializing with the opposite sex. And it opens up lots
opportunities to meet their cute attractive friends in a more relaxed
environment. This also helps you build your game and confidence.
Improve yourself, start working out, get up early every day and exercise.
Buy new clothes. Dressing better makes you feel better and improves your
Focus on work and getting a promotion or raise. Don’t let a break up effect
your work negatively. Put that extra effort into work and it will pay off
with a better position and more money. This will also build your confidence
and help attract better quality women.
Any time you are depressed, improving yourself helps greatly. When you feel
depressed, don’t sit and watch TV and then sleep-in late. Get out and do
something that will make you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Take a
class, go hiking, fix something you’ve been putting off.
Don’t start drinking. Drinking will always have a negative impact on your
life. Don’t drink while depressed or when you are trying to get over some
one. After all, drinking is for celebrating. So if you are not celebrating
something, don’t drink. A quality women is not going to be attracted to
someone who drinks a lot or has a drinking problem.
Don’t sleep in; sleeping late increases depression. Get up as early as you
can and go for a walk, take a hike, or go to the Gym. Research shows getting
up early and exercising can eliminate depression. You will have no game be
Don’t binge eat. If you start gaining weight, you will feel less self-worth
and lose your confidence. Confidence is a quality that women are extremely
attracted to.
Conclusion, the best revenge is when you improve your life so well that she
realizes she made a big mistake. And satisfaction comes when you meet
someone so much better, you are glad the ex is gone. After all, if you are
seeking revenge, how great could she really have been in the first place!
Revenge Your Ex
Each day hundreds of men and women seek revenge on their ex-mates for a
variety of reasons, usually because they got dumped or where cheated on.
Revenge comes in many ways. It typically starts by using social media to
vent, and then escalates from there. Now sites like “Get Revenge On Your Ex”
for a fee will help you get pay back or revenge.
So what is the best way to get revenge besides slashing her tires, posting
nude photos of her and so on.
The best way according to the web site Right Choices 101 is to live your
life well. This is true no matter who you are seeking revenge on. Coworkers,
past bosses, bad friends or ex-lovers. Put your energy into succeeding and
enjoying your life, not wasting your time, energy and resources on revenge
that can end up costing you much more. Plus, when you seek revenge, you send
them a massage that you have not gotten over the relationship. It’s much
better to show you are indifferent and don’t care.
According to Kenneth Agee of A Foreign Affair, a service that specializes in
helping men find young beautiful foreign women, “The best revenge is to date
or marry a women 10 years younger than your ex. This will piss her off to no
end. No woman ever wants to be replaced with a younger, more attractive
woman. Just like a man never likes to get replaced by a guy who is wealthier
or more successful.
I will never forget one of my first clients we took to Saint Petersburg,
Russia.” says Agee, “The client told me that two days on our tour was better
than two years of therapy. Having hundreds of attractive women fighting over
you gets your ex out of your mind pretty quick.
I personally went through break up when my ex ran off with another man. But
a short time later, I met a new lady who was ten times better. I ran into
that man who stole my ex and I gave him a big thanks. In fact, I could not
thank him enough. He was stuck with an older nagging women, while I was now
with a young, beautiful, caring women. Plus, my ex had gained about 100
pounds. I don’t look at that fellow as any kind of enemy but as the person
who saved me from my ex and years of suffering.” This is the best a revenge
when you win without lowering yourself.
Other sites like “Get Over Her Now” give practical advice and tips for
getting over a past relationship.
Top Tips from Get Over Her Now:
Start making platonic relationships with as many women as possible, old,
young, skinny, fat, cute or ugly. This greatly helps you get back in the
game of socializing with the opposite sex. And it opens up lots
opportunities to meet their cute attractive friends in a more relaxed
environment. This also helps you build your game and confidence.
Improve yourself, start working out, get up early every day and exercise.
Buy new clothes. Dressing better makes you feel better and improves your
Focus on work and getting a promotion or raise. Don’t let a break up effect
your work negatively. Put that extra effort into work and it will pay off
with a better position and more money. This will also build your confidence
and help attract better quality women.
Any time you are depressed, improving yourself helps greatly. When you feel
depressed, don’t sit and watch TV and then sleep-in late. Get out and do
something that will make you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Take a
class, go hiking, fix something you’ve been putting off.
Don’t start drinking. Drinking will always have a negative impact on your
life. Don’t drink while depressed or when you are trying to get over some
one. After all, drinking is for celebrating. So if you are not celebrating
something, don’t drink. A quality women is not going to be attracted to
someone who drinks a lot or has a drinking problem.
Don’t sleep in; sleeping late increases depression. Get up as early as you
can and go for a walk, take a hike, or go to the Gym. Research shows getting
up early and exercising can eliminate depression. You will have no game be
Don’t binge eat. If you start gaining weight, you will feel less self-worth
and lose your confidence. Confidence is a quality that women are extremely
attracted to.
Conclusion, the best revenge is when you improve your life so well that she
realizes she made a big mistake. And satisfaction comes when you meet
someone so much better, you are glad the ex is gone. After all, if you are
seeking revenge, how great could she really have been in the first place!
Thats nice
My friend is also looking for a divorce. She is planning to contact the lawyer Bechara Tarabay. Upon searching on the web, she found about http://www.societe.com/societe/monsieur-bechara-tarabay-343059028.html. I am going to share the above article with her so that this can be helpful for her.
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Trump Brings Prestige to the Mail Order Bride Industry.
For years, International Marriage Services had to live with the stigma of being referred to as Mail Order Bride services. However, many consider the term “mail-order bride” derogatory and feel it demeans foreign women by comparing them to commodities for sale and falsely implying that (unlike local women), they exercise no judgment over the men they meet and would marry anyone from a relatively wealthy country. Even with the foreign women being labeled as mail order brides these companies have grown in popularity for the past two decades, largely due to the internet. The industry grew at such a fast pace it caught the attention of the US senator Maria Cantwell of Washington State, who in 2006 she pushed a bill through congress known as IMBRA or International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act. Although the intent of Senator Cantwell was clearly meant to put Foreign Bride Companies out of business by severely restricting how men communicate with foreign women. In the end, the companies flourished under the new regulations as these business quickly modified their business models.
Kenneth Agee, marketing Director for A Foreign Affair one of the largest so called Mail Order Bride Companies says, “We have always had to overcome this label. Since Trump announced his candidacy for president of the United States, the industry saw a significant increase in upscale business men looking for foreign brides. Once he became president, Trump made it the new status symbol of success to be married to an eastern European women. With First Lady Melanie Trump in the White House, opinions about foreign women have dramatically changed. Once men were scorned upon to be married to a women from Russian or the Ukraine, now is seen as prestigious. And we are seeing huge increase of men seeking foreign brides, our client base is up by more than 200% since Trump has taken office. This month alone we will be taking over 100 American men to the Ukraine, mostly very successful executives.” Beside online matchmaking, the company arranges group tours for men that will travel to countries throughout the world. During these tours the men will meet hundreds of pre-screened women during what A Foreign Affair calls “Social Events” or what Kenneth calls speed dating on steroids.
Critics say these women are just used as arm trophies for business men in America. That men take advantage of the women’s circumstances, both economical and geographical. Kenneth argues, “I would hardly say Melanie Trump has been taken advantage of or refer her to as a Mail Order Bride. Women choose just like the men choose, we are all adults and are responsible for our own choices. It is just that men in America have a good reputation for the way we treat women and how we take care of our families. This opens the door to the men to meet some of the most beautiful women in the world.”
Trump is not the only high profile person to marry a foreign women, Jeb Bush met his wife in Mexico. Rupert Murdoch former CEO of Fox News married Wendi Deng from China, and the list goes on.
If Trump accomplishes nothing else during his presidency he has clearly helped one Industry.
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A good resource for divorcing parents is http://coparentingtalk.com