No one, in my opinion, is as courageous as a divorced or single Mom. They have a tendency to forget that, though.
No one knows more about courage and explains it better than Brene Brown. In her Netflix special A Call to Courage, Brown discusses what it takes to choose courage over comfort in today’s culture.
What is more courageous than leaving a bad marriage and choosing a life of uncertainty. You are essentially going all-in on a bet on yourself. This documentary hit me in such a way that I wanted to take some of those badass quotes and get them out there for all of you women who are divorced, divorcing, mothering alone and going through a hard time.
I hope you see your courageous selves!!
I hope one or all of these quotes helped you, maybe they’ve opened your eyes to the courageous soul you are or want to be.
If you are looking for support and encouragment follow DivorcedMoms on Facebook or, join our private Facebook group, DivorcedMoms on a Mission.
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