If you’ve been through a divorce you’ve experienced your own “WTF” moments. We would love to hear them in the comments section below. Share away!
About the Author

Cathy is a Master Certified Relationship Coach and a certified Marriage Educator. She is also the Managing Editor of DivorcedMoms.com. For 11 years, Cathy was the About.com Expert to Divorce Support where she covered all aspects of the divorce process. And in her spare time she blogs for the Divorce vertical of Read More
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Wow!! Unbelievable. I love the Real Houswives GIFs haha. Excellent. My WTF moment was when I realized the man I was married to for 18 years was a complete stranger. “Who the bleep did I marry-WTF?”
When I found out my ex brother in law, whose profession is a minister and always went on and on about the sanctity of marriage, how its permanent, undivorceable, performed the marriage of my ex husband and his affair partner, whom he married after he left me and our family! Wtf!!
I came in from swimming with my boys and found my husband (soon to be ex) packing his car. I ask, “are you leaving?” He says he was about to come out and tell us good bye and that he left me an email. So, after 25 years together, all I deserve is an email? WTF!
At least you got an email…..lol. Mine left while I was at work and the kids were at school. Over 17 years, and he didn’t have the balls to say anything.
Lack of balls, it’s ugly. Turns a man into a weasel. Mine did the same, while the kids were at school. Sorry for your experience.
The judge interupted an otherwise pointed proceding regarding my ex being arrested for beating his girlfriend and told me to turn to my ex in court (the guy who beat me, raped me, stalked me, stole my property, and threatened my children) and say something “nice”. Talk about violating a victims rights. The judge never once addressed the multiple reported felony crimes my ex committed against us during separation either. WTF?
WhereTF was your attorney while that was going on? Holy big little foot! That is outrageous. I would have ended up in jail because I’d have spit on my ex before saying something “nice.”