Mary Lovely
After five years of verbal abuse and infidelity, I threw in the towel and divorced. That was ten years ago when my son was just three.
The journey was grueling. I eventually arrived.
I licked my wounds for longer than I expected. It took a long time to undo the tattoo my ex-husband did on my self-esteem. I eventually hitched up my britches and said, “Onward!”
I owned a design business, Louisburg Gardens, Inc. for twenty years. Now, while I continue to be a personal chef and small scale caterer, I have a lifestyle blog, www.livinglovelier.com where I offer recipes, cooking tips, and interior design advice.
I am a wife, mother, entrepreneur, passionate foodie, writer, steward, interior designer, personal chef, and passionate creator. Also, I am a recovering perfectionist and a survivor of sexual abuse.
Three years ago I married the best person I have ever met (entirely possible, moms.) Between us, we have three terrific boys, an orange tabby who is working on his fifteenth life and a Black Labrador who is my soul mate. Obviously.
That’s the dish.

VEG-to-the-TABLE- Putting Lipstick on a…Brussel Sprout?