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Online community for divorced moms and single mothers, advice on Relationships, Health, Beauty, Sex, Parenting, Finances, Divorce Blogs, Resource Articles and more
Erina is a Certified Life Coach, author of coaching manual ‘Change Your Mind with Affirmations’, a blogger, and fine artist.
She specializes in working with people who are in the process of divorce, newly single and rebuilding their lives. “Divorce is a time when you are rebuilding everything – your concept of self, home, family and finances. There’s no better time to get a Life Coach.”
Erina has been a resident of Texas, England and Ireland, graduating University College Cork, Ireland with her BA. After a stint in Boulder Colorado, she now lives with her husband and their three children in Chagrin Falls, Ohio – “the longest I’ve lived anywhere in my life.”
Erina was Certified as a Life Coach through The Life Coach School in California. Please check out her website for more info at www.acomfortablemind.com or
call 440-622-0532 to make an appointment for a free coaching consultation.