Tips For Enjoying A ‘Single’ Holiday Season (Don’t Be A Self On The Shelf)

6 Signs You’ve Not Moved On After Divorce And Have More Work To Do

Avoid The Guilt: How To Enjoy Some YOU Time

2 Common Relationship Myths And Why They Are Destructive

Online community for divorced moms and single mothers, advice on Relationships, Health, Beauty, Sex, Parenting, Finances, Divorce Blogs, Resource Articles and more
J. Hope Suis is an inspirational writer and relationship expert with over 30 years of experience in single-parenting, dating, relationships, and a phrase she coined as “Solitary Refinement”, which is simply a season of being single to grow and develop as an individual. Her new book, Mid-Life Joyride, is a light-hearted yet meaningful collection of stories, advice, and encouragement from her experiences. Her passion in life is Hope Boulevard, which is a blog and website focused on uplifting and challenging readers to live their best life now. She is a strong advocate for mid-life issues and committed to sharing ‘hope’. In addition to her blog, she has also written a weekly newspaper column, has a platform on onmogul.com, and has been cited in major newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune. She believes it is never too late to pursue a dream and always encourages her followers to Hope With Abandon.