Jennifer Newcomb Marine
Jennifer Newcomb Marine is the co-author of Skirts at War: Beyond Divorced Mom/Stepmom Conflict with Jenna Korf and No One’s the Bitch: A Ten-Step Plan for Mothers and Stepmothers with Carol Marine, the stepmom to her two daughters.
Featured on The Dr. Phil Show, The Washington Post, Publisher’s Weekly and Psychology Today, Jennifer writes for NOTB, SAW, Huffington Post and StepMom Magazine.
Jenna Korf is a certified Stepfamily Foundation coach at StepmomHelp.com, where she coaches stepmoms and couples. She’s the co-author of Skirts at War: Beyond Divorced Mom/Stepmom Conflict and represents the stepmom voice on the popular blog No One’s the Bitch. She is an awesome wife and the stepmom to two teenage boys.
Jenna is also a contributing writer for StepMom Magazine, The Huffington Post and has been featured on CNN.com. Join Jenna on Facebook for blog updates and more!