Janet Price, Certified Divorce Coach
Hi, I am Janet Price, a Certified Divorce Specialist, Conscious Co-Parenting Coach, and Life Purpose Coach. I help parents gain the skills & tools needed to keep their kids out of the divorce & after, so their Kids may Love & Be Loved by both parents!
I am passionate about helping parents give their children the gift to experience what it’s like to “just be a normal kid” growing up in two loving households.
I offer:
- Educational workshops
- Group coaching
- One-on-one coaching services to parents
As a child-product of divorce, I was caught in the middle well into my adult years. As a co-parent involved in a high-conflict relationship, I understand all too well what happens to the children when they are ‘caught in the middle.’ After the past 6 years of reflection & healing, I have become conscious of the trauma I experienced as a child being caught in the middle of my parent’s high conflict co-parenting relationship AND how I replayed this story in my own co-parenting relationship! Now I know that had I had the tools and skills needed to de-escalate, my co-parenting relationship with my high-conflict ex and children would have had a very different outcome.
It is my desire and life’s purpose to help you learn these integral co-parenting skills so that you too can have more favorable outcomes for yourself and your children.