Leyla Balakhane
Leyla Balakhane is a distinguished and experienced mediator, facilitator, coach, and trainer in the Los Angeles area, specializing in high conflict divorce and family law. She is a member of the Los Angeles County Bar Association LACBA Arbitration panel where she arbitrates dispute concerns, fees, and costs. Leyla is also an active member of the Southern California Mediation Association. Her experience has led her to provide training in mediation at various universities and professional organizations. Leyla is an expert in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and her approach to divorce is effective, compassionate, and economical.
Leyla empowers her clients to explore options that are tailored toward the specific needs of their families. She helps her clients shape their family’s future, explore the best possible outcomes, negotiate appropriate compromises and directly participate in the decision-making process. Having considerable knowledge and a keen sensitivity to cross-cultural issues, Leyla’s approach to mediation encourages empathy and understanding to get to the heart of the conflict. She responds directly to the needs of each party, whatever they may be. While every family is different, Leyla remains authentic and mindful to assist meaningfully to all parties involved.
Leyla is praised for relinquishing grievances and encouraging parents to commit to strengthening their relationships. She focuses on win-win solutions that allow parents to collaboratively reconcile their issues while also tending to the best interests of their children.

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