Lindsey Ellison
My anger fueled my thirst for more understanding of narcissistic personality disorder. I read book after book, delved into learning about codependency, which helped me understand my childhood, and how the death of my mother when I was six years old left me gravely afraid of abandonment. Every moment of my free time was spent researching, looking for answers, and connecting even more dots. Meanwhile, I documented all that I learned and began writing articles.
My early work debuted in Huffington Post, and one article went viral, The #1 Secret on How To Engage With A Narcissist, which was then translated by HuffPost into four other languages. The viral response to the article not only surprised me, but it indicated how prevalent the problem is and the lack of information underserving its victims. I vowed to change that, and thus, my new career in coaching and writing was born.

7 Signs You Are A Victim Of Gaslighting