Sara Cornell
Sara Cornell is a veteran in the digital media field of blogging, social media management, and writing online content. Starting her career in public relations, she spent a number of years in the field of finance and investments, helping corporations communicate and manage their employee retirement savings programs. While staying at home on the Mommy Track, she started writing and publishing her blog, Blue Blinds.
A following quickly developed, and she began blogging and creating digital content for friends with small businesses. Her company, Blue Blinds Media, provides dynamic and creative social media management and content creation to businesses and organizations. As a freelance blogger, Sara is the writer and publisher of Blue Blinds, Boston Editor of The Fashionable Housewife, and a contributor to BeClose.com.
Life After Married was born from the heart to heart conversations, Chardonnay induced ramblings, and late night journal entries over 20+ years of marriage and an unpleasant divorce.