Sarah Lawrence
Once upon a time, there was a young lady who fell head over heels in love. She believed her beloved was her knight in shining armor, come to save her.
Actually, it wasn’t all that long ago and that lady was me. I did indeed fall in love yet the knight turned out to be my now ex-husband.
When I met my future husband I believed that the rest of my story would write itself and that we would live happily ever after. As naive as that sounds now, I truly did believe that the answers to my desires, hopes and dreams would flow through my marriage.
As the story goes, he could not fill my every need and after our wonderful son Aiden came into our lives, I realized that I felt as incomplete in marriage as I’d felt as a single woman.
That was 8 years ago and what I’ve learned since then, I now teach my clients. The simple concepts, tools and effective therapies I’ve used to find my own self-confidence and release my blocks have changed my life and the lives of other single moms.
What I know is this:
*Many of us feel like we need to take care of everything and everyone
*Some of us believe a man will save us and that expectation disempowers us
*We may believe that we have failed because our marriage has ended
*Many of us have lost faith in relationships
*And if you’re like I was, you may be recreating the same relationship over and over… attracting partners who are an unfavorable match
These common beliefs and emotions prevent fulfilling and healthy dating for single moms.
Through coaching, healing and self-confidence tools, I help clients prepare for the dating world in a fun and safe way. By ending the negative repetitive thoughts and emotions about relationships and past hurts, my clients get free.
What you can expect:
*Erase any feelings of failure
*Create a beautiful image and powerful beliefs about yourself
*Set goals and standards for your relationships
*Rewrite the story of your life and include any happily-ever-after you chose
*Decide what you want, what you’re worth and the actions you will take to bring it about
*Feel safe to be yourself, be vulnerable and to be the strong woman you desire to be
I know that healing and transformation is more than possible, it’s assured and necessary. You need not be limited by your past or by your responsibilities. There is room for you in your own life and your children deserve a happy, vibrant mom.
I know you want to feel a special connection again and I can tell you that it’s worth the effort. Through this coaching, the most important connection you will make is to your best self.
Cheers, Sarah xo