Shaylah Coogan
I’m a Jesus loving wife, mother and single mom advocate…deep in the heart of Texas! I’m on a mission to reach and encourage single moms!
I LOVE words! So here’s a few to accurately describe me best…
I’m a first generation former single mom. I’m curious. Peculiar. A bit odd. Passionate. Funny. Blunt. I’m broken. Flawed. Whimsical. A wanderer. Dependable yet unpredictable. A true introvert and empath.
Once a homeless, food stamp card toting single mom. An abuse survivor. A rape survivor. Former drug and alcohol user. College dropout. A triumphant overcomer. Legacy changer. A writer. A speaker.
I unexpectedly found myself an advocate for single moms…and I love it. I’m blessed with an awesome husband who loves and adores my children as his own, loves to cook and treats me like a princess. I am grateful that God’s word molded me as a mother and a wife. I cherish being alive, I’m thankful for my life and am unapologetic about who I am.