Moving On: 7 Tips For Reinventing Yourself After Divorce

Online community for divorced moms and single mothers, advice on Relationships, Health, Beauty, Sex, Parenting, Finances, Divorce Blogs, Resource Articles and more
Shona Dee is a Divorced Mom and writer from Australia. Shona works and writes primarily at ThrivingSistas.com – a site dedicated to supporting and empowering women as they navigate life’s changes and challenges. She is passionate about helping women realize that it IS possible to live a post-divorce life without unhappiness, bitterness or regret … and that there absolutely IS light at the end of the divorce tunnel.
Are you struggling with Separation or Divorce?
Check out Shona’s eBook ‘Separation & Divorce – everything I wish I’d known as a woman going through it’.
And lastly … be sure to remember ALWAYS: Change IS difficult but there is passion and joy waiting for you … and you will get through this!