Wendy Smith Baruc, Marriage and Family Therapist
Wendy Smith Baruc is a Marriage Counselor and Relationship Coach who has helped hundreds of couples and families negotiate the difficult issues and bumps in the road that come with divorce, remarriage, and newly blended families. She coaches, supports, and guides couples as they navigate through difficult issues and bumps in the road. She encourages them to grow and create new behaviors which contribute to the longevity of a relationship.
About Wendy’s Book:
Accepting Your Blended Family is intended to be a handbook that offers practical tips and real-world solutions to build healthy, blended families. It provides guidance, wisdom, and perspective whether you are in the midst of a divorce, or already in a blended family. You will learn to cope with divorce and remarriage in a smarter, more compassionate way. It offers tools to build better relationships at home and in turn, construct healthier families that are more open and resilient.
In this book you’ll learn:
-Tips to remain loving and conscious in the face of heartbreak
– How to keep divorce from becoming a war zone
– Strategies to stop blaming and start healing
– The best ways to introduce a new partner to your children
– Questions to ask before starting a second family
– Sure-fire strategies to deal with difficult family members
– Tips from healthy blended families who have discovered how they make it work
For more about Wendy and her blogs: https://www.wendysmithbaruc.com
Book Review: