Going to court is scary. If your ex has personality characteristics of a sociopath or narcissist, like mine, you most likely find yourself in court a lot. Attorneys are very expensive, no matter their hourly fee. The preparation they do, meetings and phone calls with you, every minute billed is more money you won’t have for your kids, or sometimes, to even pay bills. I have had to declare bankruptcy from my divorce. $60,000 in bills to two different attorneys and about $4000 since, and I know I am not alone.
About two months ago I received my umpteenth certified letter that my ex was taking me back to court once again accusing me of being in contempt over 2015 summer parenting time. I believe he files his “contempt” charges because the templates for contempt are free on the website for our county court. All he has to do is fill in the blanks with inaccuracies and false allegations, and pay his $5.
When I received the paperwork in the mail and read the allegations, I just thought “No.” No, I am not paying yet another attorney to fight this when I have emails to prove every single sentence to the contrary, besides the fact that I couldn’t be in contempt for something that had not even happened yet. The thought scared the hell out of me, as I have been warned by attorneys to never go up against my ex alone.
I spoke with my support group and filed a formal “answer” to his allegations. There were instructions on our county court’s website how to file a formal answer, but no template. I found and downloaded one for free online. It had suggested wording and my support group helped me with the rest.
The morning of the contempt hearing came. Our judge is the same from our last hearing in August 2013…the longest span without him taking me to court. The judge was instantly furious. He stated he ordered all matters to go to mediation first, and reminded us how he threatened to make us “both unhappy” at our last hearing if he saw us again. I stated facts and reminded him I was not the one who filed the paperwork. He told me I was holding up the process even though it is stated in our state guidelines I did not have to have an answer to my ex for 2 more weeks.
The judge told me he hated when people follow the guidelines to the letter and don’t work together. I wanted to scream. My answer was all right there proving my ex committed perjury in his contempt allegations and I don’t even think he read it. He ordered mediation in his court for a week and a half later, and told me to “make it happen” by attending no matter what, and he recommended us both to have it worked out before then.
On mediation day, we were met outside the courtroom by the mediator. She explained this is a free mediation as it is a way for the law students at the local university to learn about mediations. We were met with a panel of 4 law students with the mediator, one of their professors, in attendance the entire time.
As far as mediations go, this is probably the best scenario when dealing with a narcissist. Unfortunately, we were in the same room which usually doesn’t happen in mediations, but it is much harder for this personality type to fool an entire panel. But, boy did he try. The whiney exasperated voice came out and he added his jabs from every angle he could. He informed the panel “why” the judge in our divorce ordered me to do certain things (all his interpretations and lies) and tried hard to convince the mediator of his interpretation of summer parenting time. She put him in his place with his interpretation and we ended the mediation with everything I asked for, which was total complete fairness in the summer parenting time split.
Did I win? I feel it was the first time a court visit worked out fairly and it didn’t cost me a dime. I don’t care about winning, I only care about fairness. This has been carrying on for 7 years now and it’s old and tiring and working three jobs on top of caring for elderly grandparents in what little free time I have has left me drained. Will I go back to this mediation? In a heartbeat. The judge issued another order (his third or fourth now) that all matters must go to mediation.
Two weeks later I received another certified letter….contempt hearing is set in the middle of my vacation/parenting time this summer in between my ex’s two lengthy summer vacations. He wasn’t happy with the outcome of his previous allegaions so he invented more contempt charges. Now, apparently I am refusing to pay court ordered expenses. Here we go again. I need an attorney this time though, because I am not stopping as he has since started stalking me through my employers.
To be continued…..
OMG Bella. The one thing about a narcissist – they hate to lose. I’m worried about my summer vacation time too. Tried to arrange it in February (I’m usually flexible but new job this year) – he didn’t even answer me. I ended up just telling him that I was taking the time I was taking – and if he wanted to arrange his time around it he could. Still no answer. If he takes me back to court (I don’t think he has the money to do it), I have emails to back up my reasonableness and his lack of input. I’m not sure what I’ll do if he denies my vacation time…but we’ll see.
Anyway – all that to say good luck hon. Sorry it falls in the middle of your vacation – but the courts may be willing to reschedule if you ask nicely…
Bella, you must be an amazingly strong woman! I will send huge positive energy your way!! I’m so happy you have a support group. I would love to create one where I live.
Someday your children will see him for who he is, and they will see how you stood up for yourself and for them. Hang in there.
Thank you, Christy. Everyone says the kids will see, but unfortunately my son is turning more like him every day. Breaks my heart. Email me and we can talk about the support group thing. Mine is actually online with members from across the country.
Bella, I searched for divorce blogs this am because of the continuous drama caused by ex. I was getting ready to respond to you and I read Christy’s comments and your response ….this hit home instantly!! I have had people telling me for years that “the boys will see…when they get older they will see the truth…my oldest son, like yours, is becoming more like his dad everyday and appears to feel intitled because his dad doesn’t encourage him to treat me with respect. I really need someone to talk to about all these issues…to keep me from going crazy..please send info regarding the support group. I enjoyed your blog…I could have written it word for word as we seem to have identical situatons! Thanks for helping me not feel alone!!
Hi Tracy!!! Email me!!! [email protected].