I have a new diagnosis: Under a Rock Dweller. By a professional, no less!
God love her, Cuckoo Momma has brought it to my attention how out of touch I am with the reality world. After reading her blog post, I had to look up a bunch of stuff!
You see, I really don’t know much about Ashley Madison and the latest security hack. Up until Sunday afternoon, I’d never heard of Josh Duggar from 19 Kids and Counting fame. (Is this really a TV show? Who would watch???) And, quite frankly, I couldn’t tell you a thing about Kim Kardashian other than a comedic reference that I saw on How I Met Your Mother one night, which sums up completely my thoughts on the K Clan:
You’re right, super hot lady that my wife keeps telling me why you’re famous but I keep forgetting. ~Marshall [to Kim Kardashian]
I never knew there was a site devoted to finding an affair partner!
Can you imagine that initial conversation? “Hey honey, I have a dream. I’d like to create a website that is devoted to infidelity and easing the struggle of a cheating spouse who’s trying to find a like-minded affair partner. Can’t you just feel for them?”
Or how about the pitch for funding this endeavor?
“So Bob has laid (heh heh) out the initial web design. Our goal is to sign up every married person in North America by 2016. I think we can hit that (heh heh) and spread (heh heh) our message of wanton sex (heh heh) across the globe in no time.”
While I am against the idea of hacking personal information, I just can’t feel very badly for people frequenting the Ashley Madison site. It’s hard to feel for cheaters.
Consider the drug lord going into the police station to file a report about being robbed and someone stole his stash. Yeah, like that.
My stylist, who seems to live on a healthy diet of celebrity gossip, asked me if I was going to check if Husband #2’s name was on the Ashley Madison List.
What good would it do to know that Husband #2 was trolling or not trolling? He already hurt me with leaving, lying, and faking who he was, I don’t need any more fuel for that disappointment. I prefer to remember some of the good things about him. It helps me to keep from thinking I wasted 13 years on someone who wasn’t worth it.
And Josh Duggar? Sounds like that guy is a mess. I’m not a fan of these isolationist groups, cults, communities, whatever you want to call it. Given time, this too shall blow over just like Hugh Grant, Eddie Murphy, Jim and Tammy Bakker, Jerry Brown, and Jimmy Swaggart. Mel Gibson would fall off the radar too if he could just pull it together for a bit. We love to forget.
Or maybe we forget because there are so many new screw-ups ready to take their place in our headlines?
Based on my Ashley/Duggar research, I’m just not that interested or concerned with being connected with this whole story.
I prefer to connect with different things, like the natural splendor of my own back yard. Boring to others but up there in a top spot with me!
It seems I’ve spent a large amount of my summer outside, pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, listening to the birds, digging in dirt, and clearing pine trees… part of the reason my posts have been spotty. I guess I’ll call it living.
At least until the snow falls. Then maybe I’ll spend more time indoors curled up with a book and a cup of tea – and continue to ignore people who are steaming piles of messed up.
For now, my new motto:
Life is short. Have an éclair.
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