I caught every green light on the way to work this morning. It was nice to make it into the office in record time but I felt a little cheated.
You see, I missed out on seeing some of my daily sights as I blew through intersections.
I didn’t have a chance to look over the vegetable stand on the one corner. Do they have sweet corn out? I wonder if the local peaches are restocked.
What about the construction going on in the new subdivision. Will it eventually be filled with townhouses, mini mansions, or a collection of mid-range houses? It’s interesting to see who the developer is targeting: young singles, couples with children, or people who like a little land around their homes.
I missed seeing the day lilies blooming in front of the restaurant. Their beautiful color only lasts a short while with each blossom fading and falling off in 24 hours. I didn’t have a shot at spotting the little hummingbird that flits in and out of the flowers looking for its morning nectar.
Like my commute to work, life is filled with stop signs and traffic jams. Sure, it would be so easy to breeze through my human existence if I hit all the emotional green lights and remained on a steady course with no highs and no lows. But it is the very lows that make the highs so high. Without the frame of reference of disappointment, success would not carry the same elation.
So I’ll gladly take the green lights when they occur, all the while appreciating the perspective the red lights bring to my life.
Thank you for sharing your story. We have a couple clients who are in the same situation and are not able, at this time, to find the right words to explain what is happening. Would it be alright with you if I e-mailed this to them? I think it would help to open them up and know that they are on the right road.