While going through random folders of “memorabilia” I’d saved, I came across a gem of a letter that I saved from my fifth grade teaching days, in this case 2001. Handwritten and signed by a group of six of my girls, it beautifully illustrates the saying “Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems.” But it also shows how those little problems are a big deal to little kids. Good lessons all around. I hope it was worth saving. Enjoy!
Dear Mrs. Enenstein,
When the boys play handball with the girls they always cheat. The girls say that it’s not fair to play handball with the boys because they do pops, babies and slicies. All the girls call that “out” but the boys don’t. All the girls consider that cheating. The boys say that one hand stickies, tree tops, and overboards are out. All the girls say that since we get one handball court with two sides that the boys get one side and the girls get the other side. The boys that cheat are ******, ******, *******,*****, and *******. There is more to this because it always happens. PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
*********, *******, ********, ********, ******* and ********
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