Recently, two different girlfriends who are both in long term marriages have told me that sometimes they really envy my life.
Since getting divorced almost a year and a half ago, I am able to pretty much do what I want, when I want. Now, this is not necessarily the case when I have my daughter, but when she’s at her dad’s every Tuesday night and every other weekend I have eight days every month to do whatever the hell I want. And I LOVE that. I really do.
I can go meet friends, go hiking, volunteer, or even do absolutely nothing!!! Which, truth be told I have been known to do from time to time. It’s me, my couch and usually some true crime show either that I have on my DVR or that I’ve found on the ID channel. I am a classic introvert and need “me” time in order to function. I am fortunate that as a single divorced mom I do get that.
I really do have a great life and I’m in a good place. I have an abundance of friends, some that I’ve known almost all my life. Other friends that have trickled in throughout my adult life that I consider to be some of my best friends I’ve ever had. I live in a wonderful neighborhood in a super cute townhouse, I make enough money to pay all my bills and usually have a little extra at the end of the month, which I am so grateful for.
My daughter is adjusting remarkable well since her dad and I split. I can’t complain about too much. Life is good!
But, and there’s always a but, I sometimes miss having a partner to share life with. I find this especially true during the holidays, or when my daughter has a school event. Instead of having other parents feel the tension that exudes when my ex and I are in the same room together; it would be nice to have someone I love next to me to enjoy my little girl growing up. It would also be nice to have a partner to share the dull and mundane things that happen in life. Maybe it’s as simple as something funny that happened to me, or if I had a bad day at work. It would be nice to have someone there that I could share these things with.
And there’s sex. Oh, how it would be nice to have consistent sex with someone. I’m sure Duracell is going to be sending me a thank you card in the mail any day now thanking me for all the money I spend on batteries. Why is it that as soon as I got a divorce my sex drive has sky rocketed? A girls got to get those needs met somehow.
But, and there it is again. With a relationship comes compromise. And that is what I am just not willing to give up at this point. I like calling the shots. Whether it’s about what I’m doing, or not doing for that matter. I like being able to decide what to have for dinner every night. I don’t need to check in with my partner to see if they’re in the mood for Thai food. (Which who in the hell isn’t? ) But, you know what I mean. I want a part time, monogamous boyfriend. To me, this sounds like the ideal situation. All the fun without a lot of the work. Think “friends with benefits” but that lasts forever. This sounds so simple, easy and what I think most people, even married folks would really want.
Why is this so hard to find?
Great thoughts! I know exactly what you mean. Be careful what you wish for though. I did this for 5 years. At some point the feelings grow much deeper and you may want more however he just signed up for part time so may not be in the same place as you , which may lead to heartache Sadly most of the men who will sign up for this are married and cheating or in a polyamorous / open relationship and that brings a world of drama Beware and stay clear of that
I would love to have this part time mono relationship again though; with a single man who will be a trusted friend , confidante and regular lover who I know isn’t playing the field, and allows me the freedom to live my own life in between.
No more marriage needed for this woman.
“Oh, how it would be nice to have consistent sex with someone. I’m sure Duracell is going to be sending me a thank you card in the mail any day now thanking me for all the money I spend on batteries.”
I always knew you divorced women were jerk offs.
You should get some help for you anger issues. You don’t like what you’re reading ? Stop reading and move on.
Editors – certainly this is an unnecessarily vulgar and abusive comment. Take a look at the Username. This comment should be deleted.