I hate Christmas-anything pre-December. I tend to to pick up gifts throughout the year and save them up for birthdays or, as we come past summer, the holidays. I try to avoid the malls and sales and hullabaloo as much as possible come November 1, save for one trip to get my kids photographed with Santa.
I of course have my kids to shop for, my boyfriend, my mom and various other non-family like close friends, teachers, school bus drivers, doctors, apartment managers, janitors and such. When I get lucky enough to see something that screams out a particular person’s name, I try to snatch it up and store it away like a chipmunk stocking up for winter.
I have my boys buy a gift for their baby half-brother too, even though he’s too young to get it. My boys take great time and care picking out the perfect present for him. I’ll suggest they get something for their dad too, though so far they’ve declined and have just gone with things they’ve made at school. I’ve never thought to buy anything for their stepmom, or suggest that they do. I don’t have anything against her, and actually am grateful to her for taking my ex off my hands. But that doesn’t mean I don’t get to have a little fun at her expense. I wish I could be there as she struggles to understand it and then as the realization slowly dawns…. She’ll get an A for Adultery, and I’ll get one for Effort. Happy holidays!
Oh yes, I get it. I totally get it. I sent flowers to the skank who decided chasing after an insecure older man was justifiable under any circumstances. I sent flowers because I wanted to thank the thankless bitch for taking his sickening ass off my hands.