I strive for honesty in my relationships with family and friends, but I recently asked myself a question. Unfortunately, I did develop the habit of talking to myself from my mom. Anyway, here is the question I asked: Do you demand the same honesty of yourself when you think, or plan, or evaluate your life?
Somehow, I think it is easier to lie to myself, than it is to lie to others.
Once I came to that realization, I have decided to look for places in my own life where my lack of honestly evaluating has possibly prevented me from taking action that I need in order to change something in my life. If I pretend that the box of cookies has no fat or calories, who am I cheating, other than myself? It is this type of honesty, that I hope to apply to other areas of my life. Is there a reason that I am not as successful as I would like to be? Am I truly working as hard as I can? When I say I simply cannot do another thing, is that the truth? When I say things like, I would do anything to have legs like her, do I mean that? Maybe I would do anything, just not exercise.
I have spent a great deal of time bouncing these ideas around, and I am determined to play devil’s advocate with myself in every area of my life where I have become too easy on myself. If I truly do love myself as I should, then I should demand the honesty and consistency that I demand of others I love?
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