Angelina Jolie, the iconic actress that still looks pretty darn good to anyone with eyes has become “one of us”. Does she feel old? Does she feel hurt the same way as the rest of us do? Does she wonder why Brad Pitt did not hear that little Jiminy Cricket on his shoulder that said, “Don’t do it”?
Seems like a bad day to pile on, but I could never warm up to Angelina Jolie. She was the woman who ruined Jennifer Aniston’s marriage. She was the “Other-Woman”. She took Brad and evoked scorn of women worldwide. That “hussy”, that slut… didn’t she know that Brad was already part of a relationship?” Who is to blame when a man cheats? In my own world, experiencing a split at about the same time, Angelina was what was wrong in my own life. She and women like her are the problem.
Gradually, thru the years, she became the wife. She became half of the inseparable Brangelina. Only “forever” couples get to have their names morph into a new word, right? My own marriage never manifested into a new word, and neither did Brad and Jen. Doomed to fail, right?
Jennifer moved on, why can’t I? I still hold anger towards Brangelina. I refused to see any movie of theirs. I just don’t like her I guess. I don’t like what she represents. I don’t like that she was party to unkind behavior, but seemed to be so happy. It just wasn’t fair. They were symbolic of everything that was wrong with relationships. Seems I was right. Page Six and just about every other media outlet reports that there is no more Brangelina… no more marriage. She has filed for divorce.
So what happened? According to Page Six, they are sadly human like the rest of us. In addition to my anger at Angelina all those years, Mr. Pitt is the one who should have been the target of my disdain. Once again, he has fallen for the pretty new thing. His human frailties were stronger than his loyalty. He indulged, and he indulged in just about everything that came his way… sex and drugs and rock and roll and Russian prostitutes?
This is not a new story. People marry. People cheat. Marriages end, people cry; lawyers get rich. We celebrate new marriages and swear we are different, and it will never happen to us. We scoff at the idea of prenups and single mothers struggle with conveying negative thoughts about marriage to our daughters. There is nothing new here. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I struggle with keeping my negativity and inability to trust again away from my daughter. Always being able to take care of yourself financially, is what I say over and over. Somehow, the men always seem to be better able to move on after divorce. Women are the caregivers and are usually the ones who struggle the most after divorce.
Like the rest of us, Angelina will have to put her new life back together. Celebrity or not, she will still have to explain to her children what happened. These experiences are sadly universal. We are like her, and she is now one of us, just with a maid, nanny and lots of money in the bank.
The iconic actress that still looks pretty darn good to anyone with eyes has become “one of us”. Does she feel old? Does she feel hurt the same way as the rest of us do? Does she wonder why Brad did not hear that little Jiminy Cricket on his shoulder that said, “Don’t do it”?
The cliché that you never know what happens in someone’s home couldn’t be more true here. This mother of 6, and a cancer survivor may be getting a dose of “what comes around goes around”, but truth be told, I feel momentarily horrible for her. That feeling quickly ends and the feeling of karmic fairness takes over. I am reasonably sure that she hurts just like the rest of us do but sorry, not sorry, I can’t help it. I don’t wish her bad, but cheaters cheat, and sometimes, it’s good to see a cheater be cheated upon.
Maybe she saw it coming, maybe she didn’t. Luckily for her, she will never experience the concerns most of us experience when the bills come, but life must go on, it is the children, as it always is who must come first in all considerations.
Begging for privacy, experiencing concern over visitation and feeling those feelings that only a single mom knows when your children return to your home after a visit with dad and his new woman.
Some feelings cross bridges and oceans.
Is Jennifer Anniston saying “I told you so” in her head, or is she looking a bit differently at her own husband, wondering if she will experience this public embarrassment one day herself, again? Because once you’ve been cheated on and left it’s hard to fully trust again.
Are any of us immune to infidelity, or is it just inevitable?
I felt the same way about her! She broke up a marriage and now karma is back for her. But in the end, she is still a mother, who had hopes and dreams that it would be different, and ended up disappointed. While I hope a lesson is what she learned the kids never asked for this situation. I still don’t like her movies or what she and Brad did the kids should be their focus…not who to blame.
I work at a studio production company that has worked with both Pitt and Jolie. He’s a drunk and she’s bat-sh@# crazy. His drunken behavior helped him justify his lack of accountability in his cheating on Anniston. Jolie is an opportunist who always moves on. This time it’s some young thing in England. End of story.
I do not fell sorry for Angelina Jolie. She knew pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston when she flirted him into an affair. What goes around comes around. I really have no sympathy for her at all. Nor for him. I am sure Karma will catch up with him someday, too.