Almost fifty. FIFTY years old. Half a century. No, scratch that. This is not an upbeat way to begin new project, a new life. I am not old. I am experienced. I am worldly. I am not starting the end of my life, I am beginning the next chapter…anonymously.
I am real person. A twice married, ever hopeful, child raising, working, binge-watching, sexting ( YES, sexting) woman of the 21st century.
Sometimes my mind races with everything that I am now, and my mind loses that race to everything that I once thought I would be.
This blog is my attempt to not win a race, but maybe participate in a long distance marathon, where the finish line is the person I want to be when I grow up.
Certainly NSFW, at times ( yes, I know what that means) It means Not Safe for Work. Always honest (that’s why its anonymous). Hopefully humorous. Hopefully enjoyable for anyone who plans to read, and hopefully stick around to read more.
Where to start… I will start with the one person who knows who I am. She is my best friend. She talks me down from the cliff on many occasions. She shall remain nameless, like me. Like the second Mrs. DeWinter. But she is an ever present feature here, and in my life.
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