It’s no secret to those who know me. I HATE MY JOB. There I said it, AGAIN. I understand that I am working within certain limitations to find jobs that meet my needs. I am a single parent with young children. Until recently, I cared for an elderly parent, and all of that being said, I suffer from an auto immune disease called fibromyalgia, which, although never discussed here ( I will save that for another day), causes me to have chronic joint pain and often chronic fatigue, which makes working from home, quite workable for me.
I am a hard worker, but as anyone who suffers knows, there are times that it is simply impossible to do anything but close my eyes for a 15 minute cat nap. Head on desk is not a credible position in the work place. It is here in my world. I have no choice. It isn’t fatigue. It is steam roller, inability to coordinate my body with my brain.
These limitations have encouraged me to be creative with my skills. I re-visit them frequently, and as I get older, get more and more scared about the future and what it holds for me.
I re-think choices- could I have remained in my marriage? What could I have done differently to prepare myself in case I would one day suffer from fibromyalgia? I try not to have these discussions with myself, because preparing for my particular set of life circumstances would be like preparing to _________________. I am the sum total of a series of unforeseeable events.
So, back to my speechlessness 😉
I am still looking for a job that will replace my main job. OMG, I cannot begin to describe how unhappy it makes me to start work at THAT place daily. Life should not be that way. So, I look, and search, and send out resumes. I got two offers this week- kind of cool, but both strange in their own way. One required me ( for a work from home position ) to train in another state for 4-5 months. Did they not see the irony?? If I could be out of state for 5 months, would I be looking for work from home jobs??
I recently, today in fact, turned down another position which I might have enjoyed, but there was no base salary! They were so happy to have me as a potential candidate, but were not willing to make it even possible, by offering even a low base salary to allow me to work. I am a hard worker, but I have to be working for ME, not just the company. With sadness, I turned it down. They want the best, but do not wish to pay for their services. So, I continue to look. I look, and I apply, and I guess I am thankful that I at least hear from SOME of the applications I put out there.
OK, I am still speechless here, and here is why: While searching, I came across the following job prospect.
Ummmm, OK, exactly what are the requirements for this job? What exactly is an ONLINE COMPANION?
< Insert Job Requirements>
OK, ten hours a week, check.
Great Personality, Absolutely! Check.
Open Minded? Hmmmmm.
Exactly what is this job for? I know I have applied for some “shady” deals in the past, but this seems to go beyond what a respectable job board, like should be posting. Am I a prude? Should we be allowed to market whatever particular set of skills we possess? Or does this potentially take advantage of a person who doesn’t necessarily possess other skills, or is just a bit desperate to add a little money to the bottom line and therefore decides to use the skills that we all possess, but choose not to use to make money? More power to ya sister, is what I want to say, but instead, I wonder how many screen shots are being taken, and how many of these “personality ridden” and “open minded” exchanges end up with some weird dude typing with one hand. Sorry for the image, but this seems to cross a line for me.
I get it. I know how it feels to worry about paying the bills, and to hate your job. I worry as the seasons change, and my kids grow, that I cannot afford to get them what they need, but come on. A little self respect please. And gentlemen, if you have a real job to post, that will honor the skills of those who choose to be stay at home moms, please take advantage of this ready and able work-force. If not, please zip your pants, and find another place to post your crap.
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