I’ve read a lot of blogs and articles declaring the woes of divorce. How awful, painful, tedious, time consuming it is and what a big gigantic pile of shit their ex-husband/wife is.
Well I’m here to change that tune. Rejoice damnit! Consider divorce a chance at a new life. Yes, it hurts if you didn’t want it. Yes, your kids may go through a rough time. But seize the opportunity to make your dreams come true.
In hindsight, my divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. I take that back, my children are the best thing that ever happened to me, so besides that. I never wanted to be divorced. He was an alcoholic and cheated on me. After a while it seemed it was what I had to do, I couldn’t resist his desire for divorce and it was for my own good.
I went through a horrendous time for years. Raising three little kids almost single-handedly. Always strapped for money. Always searching for a decent job. What was so great about it?
If I didn’t go through all I’ve gone through, it wouldn’t have motivated me to find the real me. Oh I may have wanted to do things for myself later, but I guarantee it still wouldn’t have been my true self. To be honest, my ex-husband didn’t like my true self. Any time I tried to be it… he thought it was stupid.
And in going through everything I’ve gone through, I wouldn’t have been as strong and resilient. And I wouldn’t have had all the fodder I have to write my first book. Or write all my blogs. The need to write through my troubles, alerted me to the fact that I had a talent for something. And now I’m making a living out of it.
I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. I also believe that when God closes a door, he opens a window. Ya’ know, or whatever you believe in. The universe tries to tell us things. It gives us signs. You may think your life is over but it’s really giving you a brand new start.
Listen carefully for the signs. Lean on your friends, it might just bring you closer. You may learn valuable coping skills for the rest of your life. You make new friends you otherwise never would have had. All these things are positives. Take them and run. It’s an opportunity to be your best self. Re-invent yourself if you like. Just live. Live your best life now that you don’t have to answer to someone else or worry what they think. Make divorce for “the better” not for “the worse”.
I feel the exact same way lady! I am happy that I am free to be me.
word. so good.