It’s like that old commercial, “How many licks doesn’t it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?”… how many “tries” should one get at marriage? 1… 2-hoo… thhhreee… crunch!
Except I’m wondering how many tries you should be allowed at marriage. And I mean that in both ways, how many times do you get in a marriage before you should just throw in the towel and how many marriages you should be allowed.
Now, by no means am I telling anyone what to do. Why the hell would I be qualified to tell anyone what to do? But these are thoughts I have and ya’ know I need something to write about. What made me think of this is that I have an acquaintance on Facebook who I have known for several years. And I say acquaintance because it’s someone that has read my original blog for years (, we’ve never met in person. But I have obviously followed them and have an idea of what’s going on in their life. Yes, I pay attention.
Well, I don’t mean to single this person out because there are actually a few problem on the interwebz with this problem. So, what I’ve seen is over the years these people have announced that there marriage is over… and now back together… and is over… and now back together no less than 6 times. I really think most people on Facebook cheer everytime they announce they have broken up and groan when they reconcile. Here’s my thought – either stay broken up or keep your business off Facebook.
I’m not sure this person’s goal is to garner sympathy or attention, either way it just doesn’t look good. I don’t think there is anyone on Facebook that thinks these choices are wise or entertaining. Ok maybe entertaining, at some point possibly the Theater of the Absurd. Now I don’t mean to be mean, I have told this person my thoughts that I think maybe it’s time to call it a day on the marriage. They get back together and the same exact wrongs happen again. You know the sayin, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Then there is the matter of how many times should one person get married. Now, again it’s not my place to tell anyone what to do but if it’s more than two, I think it’s kind of silly. Ok maybe three, three strikes and you’re out right? I mean, two — we all make mistakes. Some of us twice. But why try a third or fourth time? It kind of takes the sanctity bit out of marriage. I love these people that say letting gays get married takes away the “sanctity” of marriage… and you don’t think having three marriages does? Don’t even get me started on Elizabeth Taylor. Eight marriages? I mean, how do you even justify that? I don’t think I’ve ever even had eight serious boyfriends in my life… or semi-serious boyfriends. Hell I don’t think I could name eight guys I’ve gone on more than 3 or 4 dates with! Let alone feel deeply enough in love to marry!
I’ve been married once for ten years and it produced three kids. I’ve been divorced for almost fourteen years. So far I have no interest in getting married again but you know what they say, never say never. I just feel like my one marriage served it’s purpose, I tried it and have great kids from it, so what do I need another one for? But like I said, one never knows. I do enjoy living my way with my stuff my way. However I may meet someone that will make me turn that corner, I don’t know. I just know someone should whack me with a bat if I’m up to my fourth reconciliation with the same person or fourth marriage.
1. I do
2. We do
3. You’ll do
4. Sure, what the hell
5. Hey Google! <beep> <beep> What did Einstein say the definition of insanity was?