Sometimes Mommy Bloggers get free stuff. Usually they’re really big Mommy Bloggers, like Dooce, who once tweeted about her brand new clothes washer breaking down, and Maytag sent a repairman to fix it, just like that.
Recently, Jen, the sarcastress behind People I Want to Punch in the Throat, blogged about how much she wanted a minivan, and poof! Honda sent her an Odyssey to try out.
It occurred to me, after I read about the minivan miracle, that blogging is kind of like praying. You say what you want, and if you have a big enough readership, your prayer is answered!
I’m not a Mega Mommy Blogger like Dooce and Jen, but I’m no slouch either. So I’ve decided to try an experiment. I’m just going to put it out there.
Are you there, Nordstrom? It’s me, Pauline. I would really love a gift certificate. Not for me, but for my kids. I have a problem with them. They grow out of their clothes. I also have a problem with their dad. He doesn’t pay child support.
Sometimes I’m actually kind of glad he doesn’t pay child support, because it was such a drag groveling for it every month. Other times, like when the kids have to go to the doctor, or get tutored, or eat, child support would come in handy.
My son Luca will be fifteen in July. He grows too! He prefers long shorts, polo shirts, and squeaky-clean sneakers.
I love you, Nordstrom. You have the best selection of kids’ clothes plus you have those super friendly salespeople who walk around the counter to hand us customers our shopping bags, like we’re someone rich and famous.
So I would really love it if some angel over at Nordstrom would send a gift certificate my way. To [email protected], to be precise. In return, I would take pictures of my kids — cropped, since I don’t show their faces — in their Nordstrom’s finest, and post them on my blog. I would be forever grateful, and would tweet your praises to my to-date 1260 twitter followers. Just think of all the Mommy hearts you would win over.
Especially mine. Amen.
Excellent idea! I thought about that even when I was married. Heck, race car drivers are sponsored, sports teams are sponsored, even Little League! Wouldn’t it have been wise for someone like Pampers or Enfamil or Play-doh or Crayola to have spend just a little jing to plaster my minivan with advertisements? Unlike you, though, I had no blog (not sure they even existed!) and no energy to write them letters. Good luck!
Thanks, Jen! Will keep you posted!
I think you should try this with every store! You never know what can happen.
a friend is waiting til her last kid is 18, and then she is going to sue for back support.
She will have lost the interest on all the years (about 15 years!), and of course, people who must charge things and pay crazy interest are doubl screwed, (and she is double screwed because he quit his job, got a low salary for setting child support and promptly got a lucrative one again), but she claims it is legally pretty straightforward, and has high hopes of winning.
maybe your state is different, and for sure it is small consolation even if you can do it (and no consolation if he doesn’t have any court ordered child support)
Love your sense of humor (and optimism…)
Go for it, Pauline.
I have said the same thing about the blogosphere. It does feel like a whispered prayer sent up and out.
I’m going to ask for a boat. : )
Well, “The Secret” worked for me — there’s a Diet Coke mini fridge sitting in my garage as I type (the explanation for which is available at, just in case you’re curious…).
So I’m sending good vibes your way. You and your family deserve it, friend!
Dear Nordstrom, please answer Pauline’s prayers. She seems really nice. Also, would you mind having one of your angels deliver that cute new line of Marc by Marc Jacobs bowties to my doorstep? I live in the valley, which I know kind of sucks, but it would be really nice of you.
HAHAHA! I haven’t seen the Marc Jacobs bow ties, but I’m sure you would do them proud, Matt.
Pauline! What do you mean, you’re not getting child support???? I know you had a bad divorce and didn’t get alimony, but isn’t child support sort of mandatory these days? I would think your ex would be embarrassed enough without your having to beg clothing from Nordstroms.
Not only your ex should be embarrassed by this revelation, but his rich parents should be, too.
He doesn’t pay child support because during the custody battle, the trust money that he lives off “mysteriously” disappeared. He makes no income of his own, since he is supported by his family and his new wife. Income that the court imputed to him is the same as what I make at my full-time job, so it was a wash. So legally, he doesn’t have to pay child support since he can argue that what he has is separate property. It’s not worth it for me to try to take him back to court — his family will just make the trust money evaporate again. Yup, all of this is legal. The other day, he drove up in his brand gleaming new SUV to drop off Franny, and I just shook my head. This is America, man. Let ‘em eat cake.
Just a thought–if money is so tight, why the heck are you shopping at Nordstroms? That’s pretty pricey stuff. Also, Cotillion? Really? Seems like a lot of unnecessary expense if you’re worried about money. Just sayin’
Fair questions. Cotillion is a family tradition (my mother did it, my sister and I did it) that I would like my daughter to experience, especially given the destruction of the divorce. Cotillions here are very diversified — many children of color, not just wealthy white kids. The Nordstrom piece was really just meant to be irreverent, although, true, the dresses could be borrowed or come from thrift shops
Pauline, I discovered your blog last week via Huffington Post, which I read in bed in the morning before getting up for work. I read all of your entries in one day and though I had a headache from staring at the screen, it was worth every moment. You write incredibly and it feels like I know you after having read your story. My parents waited to divorce till I was in my early 20′s and it was difficult but nothing like yours. You have my respect for every moment that you’ve had to sacrifice for your children, your mental health and for maintaining your new marriage. Channeling all of that pain into this blog has produced amazing results. I look forward to reading your entries every week.
In light of that, Nordstom…please grant Pauline’s request!! She deserves it and if you don’t know why, you should settle in and do some reading.
Awww…Niki, this made my day. You have no idea. Thanks sooooo much for your very kind comments.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe both. But I hear you… Now, if only Nordstrom’s would, right?
That Diet Coke story was BIZARRE! But you never know, you may get that Bugatti. Can’t hurt to ask, even though we both know the Universe isn’t listening.
Hi Pauline, I just discovered your wonderful blog! I can’t help you in the nordstrom’s dept. but I can empathize with your divorce survival. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and your story. I just found you on twitter!
Thanks, Lisa! I checked your blog out as well — you offer such important advice for women considering divorce. I wish I had had this kind of info when I was undertaking mine — I would have been much better prepared.
Thanks Pauline, for checking out my blog. I was in the same boat and so it’s all my mistakes rolled into some practical advice LOL.