Jennifer Prestholdt is a human rights lawyer and fellow Open Salon blogger. I first became aware of her when her funny, whip-smart “Raising Boys Not to Be Total Jerks” post went viral and garnered the wrath of internet trolls who accused her of actually damaging her sons for teaching them to respect women. I was as impressed by her humorous, nuanced writing as by her grace under fire from crazed commenters. Check out her many versatile Blogger Spaces and inspirations for blogging below.
Let’s begin with the understanding that I don’t actually have a Blogger Space. I have a husband, three children, a full-time job, an old cat. What I don’t have is a dedicated place for blogging. Once upon a time, I had a home office but I gave that up when our third child was born. Now I battle her Barbies (and the occasional Darth Vader) for space for my laptop.
Not only do I not have a physical Blogger Space, I also don’t have much time to blog. So I write in the corners of my life, wherever I can find a few spare moments. This often means blogging at hockey rinks during my sons’ practices.
In the summer, I may blog on the dock at the cabin while I’m “watching” the kids swim.
I travel a lot for work, so more than one post has been written on a transatlantic flight.
I have only been blogging for a year, but so far I have found myself blogging in:
Mostly, though, I write on the run – literally. I do some of my best thinking when I am running. Often I can work out almost all of the details of a piece so that it actually takes only a short time to type it up on my laptop.
I like to think of it as “rlogging”.
I am fortunate enough to live in Minneapolis, a city that was purposefully laid out so that no child would have to walk more than six blocks to a park. There are miles and miles of biking and running paths. I often blog while running along the Mississippi River …
…and across the Stone Arch Bridge back into downtown.
Sometimes, I “rlog” along Minnehaha Creek, where we catch tadpoles in the summer.
But here is a peek at my very favorite Blogger Space.
My favorite rlogging route goes …
…through the Lyndale Park Rose Garden, the second oldest public rose garden in the U.S….
… along the shore of Lake Harriet. Although we are in the city, I have seen both foxes and bald eagles near this spot on the southeast corner. My grandparents Olaf and Lillian walked around this lake in their courting days, barely catching the last streetcar back to downtown.
I think about things as I follow in their footsteps.
I run past the Lake Harriet Bandshell. In the summer of 1961,my parents first met here. On a blind date.
Through the Roberts Bird Sanctuary …
… past Lakewood Cemetery.
My “Lemondrop Grandpa”, my grandfather Orville, is buried here. Also Paul Wellstone and Hubert Humphrey.
And then I run home, through the Peace Garden.
This Blogger Space always gives me inspiration. And then I sit down and I write.
Blogger Space is a series devoted to showcasing the spaces bloggers choose to write. Wanna show off your digs? Send a photo of your space, a blurb about why you write where you do, and a link to your blog to [email protected].
Ms. Prestholdt has introduced a new word to my vocabulary: rlogging. Blogging, even vlogging I know, but I had to chuckle while reading her definition understanding the juggling act one has with a busy life divided between career and family. The pictures are beautiful and inspirational; I have the distinct impression that life is good. Considering the stress of the daily grind, paying my taxes and the worries of headline stories both home and abroad, it is nice to have a feel-good moment.
However, having read her post Raising Boys Not To Be Jerks, I realised this writer is bringing up issues which could very well generate a lengthy and heated debate. As I began to mentally compose my own thoughts on the matter, I realised I was going to end up with a comment that with a little editing, might be pared down to a few thousand words. I smiled and told myself this isn’t the time and place for my opinion; this is Ms. Prestholdt’s moment in the spotlight. I will add, thought, that Ms. Prestholdt has raised some important issues about our society, the roles of men and women, and the importance of rethinking tradition. After all, just because we did something yesterday taught by the previous generation, does not mean we have to do it tomorrow if we rethink it today. I’m now pretty much convinced that if I walk towards the horizon, I am not going to fall off the edge of the Earth.
Thank you Ms. Gaines, for introducing me to Ms. Prestholdt and thank you Ms. Prestholdt for, well, being you. I wish you all the best in your worlds. wb
She’s a gem.
What an inspiring idea – blogging on the run. I can .barely manage to think while walking, but I may give it a try anyway…
Great photos! How do I find your blogs?
Click on the hyperlinks in the first paragraph — her personal blog is
Very cool. Love all the shots.
Mr. Belle – nice to meet you, too! Thanks for your comments. I thought about using the term “jlogging” but I prefer to run rather than jog. I agree, Raising Boys is a post that raises a lot of issues. It has generated a lot of discussion at my house, which has been positive for our family. Thank you for reading and commenting.
Jenny and Gabi – so nice to meet you as well! Thanks for your comments. I took these photos with my iPhone – the wonders of modern technology!
Liv – hvis du trenger hjelp med å følge etter bloggen min, bare sender meg en beskjed.
Thanks again, Pauline, for the chance to participate in your brilliant Blogger Space series!
Thanks for participating, Jennifer!
What a lovely, inspiring example of being a working, blogging mom.