Luca was supposed to go to a party last night, but it was rescheduled. So he asked me if I wanted to go to a movie with him.
My 15-year-old son asked me, his mother, to go to a movie with him. Which meant he was willing to be seen with me in public!
Not so long ago, my son refused to acknowledge I was even his mother. Then he realized he was sort of glad I was his mother, but he still didn’t want to be caught dead with me around other people, especially teenagers.
So, after an incredulous beat, I looked at him and said: “Sure.”
We both wanted to see Gangster Squad. So after we got to the movie theater, we loaded ourselves up with M&Ms (me) and Sour Patches and a Supersize Slushee (him), and took our seats in the darkened theater.
I grimaced and hid my eyes during the grisly parts. We both were duly impressed by Ryan Gosling, albeit for different reasons. When the movie ended, we looked at each other.
“What’d you think?” I asked.
“I thought it was great!” he said.
“Me too!” I said.
As we walked out of the theater, he imitated my expressions during the movie’s violent parts, cracking himself up. I laughed too.
And as we walked through the crowd, past the middle-aged couples and young couples, and gaggles of teenagers, I noticed that Luca looked completely comfortable being seen with his mother. He was actually talking to me, and grabbing my arm, calling me “Mom” and making eye contact!
And then it hit me. This just a kid-and-his-mom evening was the most fun, the most natural time that we’d had together since he was a little kid.
Today, I’m thankful for a movie night with my son.
I can’t wait until that happens to me! My 15 year old daughter will NOT go to a movie with me because I cried at Charlotte’s Web in front of her friends, several years ago, and she has never forgiven me! Maybe someday I’ll get another chance!
I can’t wait until that happens to me! My 15 year old daughter will NOT go to a movie with me because I cried at Charlotte’s Web in front of her friends, several years ago, and she has never forgiven me! Maybe someday I’ll get another chance!
I can’t wait until that happens to me! My 15 year old daughter will NOT go to a movie with me because I cried at Charlotte’s Web in front of her friends, several years ago, and she has never forgiven me! Maybe someday I’ll get another chance!
What a lovely night for you and your son. So happy to hear that all is going well!
Thanks, Sharon!
It helps to have a cool mom.
That’s so sweet, Pauline. I’m happy for you! A cherished moment with your son, thanks for sharing that.
What a wonderful story: a warm and fuzzy as opposed to a cold and prickly. Once in a while we get a reminder that life is good. No, life can be wonderful. Family is everything.
Oh, how wonderful. This just warms my heart — and may there be many more moments and evenings and days like this one with your son.
That is awesome! I have a 14 year old son too, and we’ve shared some great times. I hope this is just the first of many for you and Luca.
I’m glad that things are turning around for you and Luca. Your post also reminds me that my 15 year old and I are overdue for a mom-and-dude movie night.
That is great. I hope he is doing well now that he is home.
My son is also 14 yrs. old,so I can relate. I wish that you be blessed with many many more!
So awesome! I used to come and visit you as one would pass a car wreck on the freeway. You know – you can’t help but slow down and look and be grateful it’s not you in the car. And now I come for the happy
Oh my goodness! I’m glad I’m out of the train wreck category!
Me too. So happy for you.
Yay!! It is so incredibly amazing when we suddenly make that leap from dreaded and despicable to being wanted/needed in a more grown up sort of way. Especially when it happens after years of turmoil between mom and child. I am so, so, so!! very happy for you. And Luca.
Thank you!
The little things are what’s important…they add up to something really big
yay, and Yay… and YAY!!!!
That is so wonderful and it made my night! I’m so glad that you have him and that you can have such a wonderful evening together, something you will remember and cherish for sure. Yay for you!!!!
Thanks, Hilarie!
Oh this was so lovely to read. I am so thrilled that you and Luca are doing so well. My 15 year old still likes going to movies with me, surprisingly. She also buys Sour Patch Kids every time.
Last weekend we went to Zero Dark Thirty, (her choice) which prompted a discussion about US foreign policy. It sort of blew my mind. 
That is cool — TV and movies really can start a conversation.