My single-mom-sans-child-support budget doesn’t allow for many luxuries. Gone are the weekly yoga and Pilates classes, the frequent lunches and dinners out, the Starbucks afternoon pick-me-ups.
But the one indulgence that I have yet to jettison is my bi-monthly pedicure. I can kind of justify the expense because once, years ago, I had an ingrown toenail that got horribly infected and required being sliced out. The podiatrist told me I was prone to ingrown toenails, and getting regular pedicures might help prevent future ones.
So every other weekend my feet find themselves soaking in a tub of warm, soapy, jet-propelled water, my back rhythmically kneaded by the massage chair. As the pedicure lady works her magic on my cuticles, I sink into tabloid heaven, reading which star rocked her outfit, which celebrity couples are getting married, or having babies, or splitting up.
Always, I try different colors of nail polish on each fingernail before I settle on the shade for my toes. Yesterday I picked this one, peppy and optimistic for spring.
What do you think?
Today, I’m thankful for my bi-monthly pedicure.
Nothing like a good pedi to lift the spirits! Glad you are maintaining a little pampering. We all need that from time to time. And the colors? I always change mine up, too! Enjoy.
So agree. My pedicures are my little indulgence and so enjoy them.