I am a bit (actually way more than a bit) disgusted with the political stuff.
I know it is always bad 3 months before an election, but I don’t remember this letting up at all in the last 4, no 8 years. I blame the ‘news’ stations, which of course aren’t really giving the news at all, but instead promoting their agenda and the opinions of their talking heads. And both sides are guilty of this. I have started getting my news from BBC America. I saw on FB the other day, that the husband of a friend of mine ‘shared’ a link which outlined all of the benefits that illegal immigrants can get in the US (free healthcare, jobs, welfare). Guess what? That shit ain’t true.
I’m a social worker people.
I worked 14 years in a pediatric hospital where I scrambled every day to find resources
for illegals who had a kid with cancer. They don’t get welfare, they don’t go to pediatrician unless their kid is practically dying, they don’t have fancy jobs, they aren’t getting free college educations, they don’t even have identification cards . There life isn’t rosy.
I saw an ad last night that was just brutal to the other side, one would think that the other side had devil horns. It occurred to me then that we act as though ‘the other side’ are these terrible people whose motives are to tear the country apart and sit in the corner cackling watching America fall down and lose it’s britches.
When the real fact of the matter is that they are just normal Americans who think that the best way to run the country is different from the other side, but there motives are not for death and destruction to our way of life.
It is really terrible that we are so gullible that we let them play us this way.
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