I am 92% done with the second book in the Game of Thrones book series. I have enjoyed it. I have. My dad and another male friend practically insisted that I read it and watch the HBO series as well. I love the political intrigue and some of the great dialogue. And a woman who is the Mother of Dragons, well, that is cool.
In addition, Peter Dinklage has brought all sorts of sexy back as the Imp, Tyrion. He is a great actor playing a great character and I have enjoyed his witty banter in the books and on the screen.
But to be honest, if I never have to read or see another sword fight or that they are putting someone ‘to the sword’ I will be happy. Also, shhhh, I have started not to care who wins the blasted throne. Plus they all are dirty and look to need a good scrub down and teeth cleaning. There is a whole lot of sex going down for people that must stink to high heaven. As a matter of fact, one character is named Reek. Also today, I met Holler and Slobber. Nice. Don’t they sound like lovely people?
I have made the self preserving decision that I am reading a girl book between books 2 and 3.
50 Shades of Grey
Here I come!
Now, I have heard all about it and how women are getting their vibrators back out and getting all down with their husbands.
But I have been hesitant. Oh yes. And the reason is, I suspect it is a stupid book.
And I hate stupid books almost as much as I hate stupid men and stupid people in general. And I have been filled to the brim with stupid while living with Stanley.
My stupid bucket has runneth over and I have had to limit stupid in other areas of my life.
But I’m going to read it and this is why.
Last night, I was sitting at a drug rep dinner for a work thing listening to a presentation about Nuedexta. A drug that can stop people from inappropriately laughing or crying.
Oh yes.
It is called Pseudobulbar Affect
I think I have a good case of it.
and during the presentation, the friend/colleague sitting next to me leaned over to another woman and said, “I have started going to my car during the lunch break to read ’50 Shades of Grey’. Have you read it?”
And the other woman, who looked like this but is a psychiatric nurse practitioner (which apparently made my friend think she must have a cool bone somewhere) said
“I am not going to read that filth!”
Causing people to look up from their free dinner and recently refilled wine glasses, to our end of the table. Where we were inappropriately talking about 50 Shades of Grey.
Think we need some Nuedexta?
All I could think was
Damn Bitch! I bet you are some fun to be married to!
And if it will offend her, then I am reading that book!
I don’t know how people can navigate in a world that must offend them at every turn. Geez, life is short. Have a little fun. It is just a book!
My friend and I finished the presentation with a lot of inappropriate giggling about the ‘filth’ comment. We spent the rest of the evening tipsy (all of that free wine!) and the conversation was much like this
I was actually very relieved it was someone else that did the offending.
Usually it is me!
I know that shocks y’all.
I will read and report back.
BigLittleWolf says
Oh, you crack me up! (You should charge for your services. Wait. Never mind. I couldn’t afford you.)
Do keep us posted. On your reading habits, and any laughing-crying-inappropriately encounters. Or Aunt Bea.
Shannon says
This post got me giggling!!!
PollyAnna says
Pseudobulbar effect? There’s a name for that? I wish I’d known that the time that I stepped in on my roommate’s naked boyfriend coming out of the shower when we were in college. I got a case of the giggles that would not stop, and to this day I believe he is STILL offended because of course he thought my giggles were related to the size of his penis. If I’d been able to choke out “Pseudobulbar! Pseudobulbar!” maybe he would have recovered more easily. 🙂
The reason that I haven’t read 50 Shades of Grey is the opposite of poor Aunt Bea’s.
The reason I haven’t read it is because if I let that particular monster out of the cage she’s in, I may never be able to contain her again. I’m not ready to have sex, and I know it, so I’m handling it through denial. I’m pretty sure that 50 Shades wouldn’t help.
I expect a full book review from you anyway…. I’ll just put my inner vixen on a leash first before I read the review. Oh, shoot, based on what I know of the book, that won’t help a bit. I’m screwed. No, wait, I’m not screwed. Ahhh, nevermind. Maybe I should just read the damn book.
PollyAnna says
Pseudobulbar effect? There’s a name for that? I wish I’d known that the time that I stepped in on my roommate’s naked boyfriend coming out of the shower when we were in college. I got a case of the giggles that would not stop, and to this day I believe he is STILL offended because of course he thought my giggles were related to the size of his penis. If I’d been able to choke out “Pseudobulbar! Pseudobulbar!” maybe he would have recovered more easily. 🙂
The reason that I haven’t read 50 Shades of Grey is the opposite of poor Aunt Bea’s.
The reason I haven’t read it is because if I let that particular monster out of the cage she’s in, I may never be able to contain her again. I’m not ready to have sex, and I know it, so I’m handling it through denial. I’m pretty sure that 50 Shades wouldn’t help.
I expect a full book review from you anyway…. I’ll just put my inner vixen on a leash first before I read the review. Oh, shoot, based on what I know of the book, that won’t help a bit. I’m screwed. No, wait, I’m not screwed. Ahhh, nevermind. Maybe I should just read the damn book.