An Anonymous commenter (who was that anyway?) said today that he/she hopes my next man cherishes me.
Cherish is a good word.
Cherish is a word that I have hardly considered although I think it was in my wedding vows. OOPS. I probably should have given that some thought. Maybe I have never expected to be cherished.
Does anyone expect to be cherished anymore? It seems like a lost word, much less a lost art.
Love is defined as profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
while the definition of
Cherish is to treat with affection and tenderness, to hold dear.
I believe that I have been loved. I don’t know if I have ever been cherished.
Possibly my first boyfriend cherished me. He made me feel safe and like I was worth gold.
Is that being cherished? Unfortunately, I was but a child.
I sure don’t feel today as if I have been held dear. Stanley surely never made me feel like I was ‘held dear’. He made me feel exhausted and unheard and like I was brain dead. Oh! He also made me feel like a parrot because I had one recurring line, “are you OK?” And he made me feel exhausted because I was constantly taking care of his lazy ass.
I don’t like him worth a shit, just in case any of you were wondering. I like him even less than I did. He is on tonight and before I got my stuff together to leave I heard him ask Jumping Bean to get him a beer.
He said he was just kidding after I said, “DON’T YOU DARE”.
I have my shovel outside the door just in case it takes more than a few licks with my purse.
My children cherish me. I was very upset about the repeat of the water heater disaster and broke down several times over the weekend. Unfortunately they were witnesses to this although I tried hard for them not to see me. They were concerned and hugged me often and tried so hard to make me feel better.
They hold me dear.
If I ever say wedding vows again, the word ‘Cherish’ will be included. And I will think about that word before I say it. And it will mean everything to me.
So very true. Katherine and I cherish one another, but Bryan couldn’t seem to figure that one out. It makes me sad just thinking of it.
I’m glad you’re thinking ahead to being cherished. Hard to imagine sometimes when we’re in the thick of it, but I do believe you’ll get there.