It has been a great weekend so far.
Stanley and I have rotated once already since it is his weekend but I have Easter. Al came in at 9 a.m. on Good Friday and I brought him back here to see the kids. Then we went and ran errands all together. It was pouring rain and we had to brave the mall but we had fun anyway. Then Stanley and I did our nest swap and Al and I had 24 blissful hours.
We had a romantic dinner and loved and cuddled.
He is so incredible I could hire him out and make a fortune
except I am not a good sharer.
Since I sometimes share the beautiful things he says to me, last night’s killer was:
“I fell in love with you in 10 seconds.
and 9 of them I was trying to catch my breath.”
Tonight we ate here at the nest and all watched a movie. The five of us were lined up on the sofa all together. I think the kids are pretty comfortable because surely they would have moved had they not been. Once I saw Merlot reach over and grab his hand to hold. I melted it was so sweet. He is now at his hotel and I am here about to do Easter baskets. It’s weird to be doing them alone. I’m still not used to it. I have to creep outside to the car and face all that candy alone. Stanley and I used to do them together in the middle of the living room floor. I’m sighing now for different reasons.
Tomorrow I am picking him up and we are doing church all together and then having lunch with my family. He is so brave. Then I have to get kids motivated to do schoolwork and projects. Luckily he isn’t leaving until Monday evening. So, lord willing all of the kids will go to school on Monday and we will have more alone time.
I felt completely happy tonight sitting on the sofa
with my 3 children and my sweetheart.
I felt really completely happy for one of the first times since the divorce. At peace. Like maybe the kids will be okay after all. Stanley was happy, he has a life and he has the children. Maybe he will be okay too. Maybe I will be okay after all.
This is very uncharacteristic of me.
But there is not a hissy fit in sight.
Maybe Al’s put his rose colored glasses on me
during my nap this afternoon.
Happy Easter Peeps.
Tonight I’m only the slightly,
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lizabennett aht yahoo