Today it occurred to me that there are 2 catagories for things that happen in life.
1. Things that happen to everybody
2. Oh Lord why me
Up to this point, I can place the water related house disasters that have plagued me since the day my divorce was final into ‘things that happen to everybody’. Some of them are a stretch I’ll admit. And then on Sunday, Stanley informed me after spending his day on the property, that the sprinkler is leaking and some sort of septic stuff is going on in the front yard. Still. This was ‘fixed’ 2 weeks ago. I guess this can still be placed in the ‘things that happen to everybody’ although I am starting to think that the house needs an exorcism or some hippie to run through with burning sage leaves and chant to make the bad ju ju leave.
Today this happened.
Forgive me, but that could have just as easily fallen on the neighbor. Of course, no one was hurt and it might have hurt a neighbor, so I guess I’m glad it was us. But power, messes everywhere. Awful.
Oh, and Stanley informed me on Friday afternoon that it wasn’t working out with the new woman so he didn’t care about our weekend switch plan. Um, ok. Apparently they didn’t have ‘anything in common’. Is that code for she decided he was boring? No matter though, he partied hard all weekend to the best of my knowledge. I only saw him during kid exchange as we split the weekend.
He did tell me that he was going out on Saturday night, since it was Cinco de Mayo and everything. Oh yeah, I forgot to celebrate that since I’ve been on kid duty.
Hope it was fun Hombre.
Because you got a whole bunch of limbs to haul out of the back yard.
BTW, Divorce doesn’t happen to everybody,
so I have determined it is a ‘Oh Lord why me?’
Just Sucks.
I have spent some time on this one, too, but I think that the answer is “Why not?” Good things happen and bad things happen….to everyone. I think that everyone bears some pain in life – often very large pain – and it can come in the form of illness, death, not being loved by a parent(s), catastrophe, poverty, location (e.g. it’s pretty hard to live in a war torn third world country), war, accidents, as well as divorce…..stuff happens. For me, I first really had to examine it when I got cancer, and I came up with the answer “It just is what it is, no less and no more.” It’d be nice to skip the hard stuff, but I don’t think that was one of the options. I’m luckier than some, unluckier than others…and it just is. I don’t know if that helps you, but it helps me, so I thought I’d share. It’s a tough one to puzzle out. (hugs)
Reading you – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe both. Okay, definitely both.
I get it. I so get it.