I caught it on cable today.
I’m at the crash pad, it is my weekend off and I was already depressed.
I’m broke.
My lovah and I are off kilter on our weekends
plus he’s broke too.
It was already all sad up in here.
I was minding my own business, doing clinical notes and flipping channels.
and then
found, already in progress.
It was pretty easy to catch up on. They are a couple married for 31 years and she’s not happy and he’s not noticing, they sleep in different bedrooms because he snores, and she’s having a difficult time getting his attention about the fact that she’s not happy and she just wants his gosh darn attention.
Well, that last bit right there did me in.
So, she makes plans for them to see this famous marriage counselor in Maine and basically he goes because he realizes she means business. Finally and about damn time. Then there are a lot of scenes of them in therapy, trying to open up lines of communication that have been closed and reconnect intimately.
Their therapist.
He does a fine job.
I started crying about 3/4 of the way through the movie. The husband, Tommy Lee Jones, was part Dalek like Stanley you see, he just wanted to go back to the way it was and talk in a monotone when it was absolutely necessary. She was having none of that. She loved him but she was lonely. And she had decided that it might be less painful to be lonely alone, than with him there.
And that thought just sucks.
So, I’m watching this movie, alone, and crying like a fool and feeling all sorry for myself. Then I got mad at Stanley and all the other Daleks out there who are making women feel lonely when they aren’t actually alone.
I’m not going to ruin the movie for you.
But if you are reading this blog then possibly you have divorce type issues and need fair warning that Hope Springs is not for divorcees. It brought up all sorts of issues that were better off down buried where they are. I got all mad at Stanley again for not engaging in our marriage. A person cannot be happily married to a Pet Rock. So, I cried and pouted and then went to the mall which made it worse because I’m broke.
I let a Lancome lady put a symphony of green eyeshadow on me
and then didn’t buy anything.
For shame.
But in my defense, she kept saying it would be beautiful
for ‘going out’ and finally I was like,
“Honey, I am almost 50 years old. I don’t go anywhere but
work, carpools and Target. Can I wear it to Target?”
Then I got back in the car and my gas light came on. Seriously, I had to consider how I was going to buy gas. So, that didn’t help. Then a man came up to me when I was pumping and said, “Excuse me, do you know any programs that will buy gas for people who are out of gas?” And I said, “Mister, if I did, I would have called them.” He went on his way.
So I came in and saw nothing else to do for it but
watch Magic Mike on cable.
And that movie is so stupid.
But it didn’t make me cry so that was an improvement.
These weekends away from my kids are so hard.
I saw Hope Springs on cable awhile back. I was looking forward to it, since I adore all three actors.
But you’re quite right. For some of us, it’s a painful film to watch. I’m glad I did (I think), but I’m not sure I’d want to see it again.
I flipped my custody weekends so my girlfriend and I were on same schedule but then her ex ditched the custody altogether so we are in the same town but never alone, unless I skip out of work which while tempting seems foolish. Anon B
I’m sorry….. Stanley asks me to change frequently which messes me up bad. It is hard to have so little time alone and ‘date’ someone.
It is hard – we are at the stage now where we can cook together for our what ever one calls it, semi-merged sets of children, and while passionate kissing while the peas cook is good, it’s not spending all day at an art gallery and then get a hotel overlooking the ocean. Oh well, every awkward thing is a breath of fresh air compared to before.