Long story short: (Too Late)
I got up early on Christmas Eve and went to Kroger, then to see patients, came home and made a cake, got 3 kids ready and myself ready and was leaving to go to my mom’s for Christmas Eve traditional celebration when I tripped going down the stairs and bashed my head in. My cute shoe got caught in my cute wide leg pants (really, I looked cute y’all, in my red silk shirt and I had worked on my hair and everything) and I went down head first almost down the whole flight of stairs. I was holding a coffee cup and thought I was covered with coffee (although I will admit to some disorientation) until my kids started crying and elevating in the hysterical department and I realized it must be blood and not coffee that was running all over me.
It is a wonder I didn’t break my neck.
I was in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.
Jumping Bean looked like this
and kept saying, “I’m not good at blood! I’m a techie!” but she had
called Stanley, my dad and my brother already.
Merlot sprang to action
I swear she looked at my head and found where the bleeding was coming from,
ran for towels and ice, and was holding ice on my head to stop the bleeding.
When she learns to spell she has to go to medical school.
and The Boy worried and paced.
They did great and Stanley and my people got here quickly.
The ER nurse pronounced it a miracle I didn’t break
something or have a brain injury.
I spent the day in my bloody cute clothes sitting in a chair with ice on my head
watching the festivities from across the room.
That was fine. Mom (bless her) helped me get the blood out of my hair
and soaked my clothes.
Do I sound dramatic? I’m trying to sound dramatic.
It is all true though.
Stanley came back at 11 last night and helped finish wrapping and get Santa under the tree. We had a nice time and talked about his girlfriend and Al. All good. He is here today and we are going to cook. Well, he is going to cook. I’m going to moan and complain a lot because today my head is okay but my ass hurts. A LOT. Tomorrow I have an early flight out to spend the week with Al, but in addition to my injuries they are calling for a snow storm.
Here. Unbelievable. Another Christmas miracle.
So, I have had 2 falls in 2 weeks. My plan for the New Year is to sit the hell down.
I’m fine, happy as a lark that Stanley and I can pull this off for the kids and
happy that I will be seeing my lovah tomorrow.
Really, it doesn’t get much better than that.
Merry Kisses.
Ms. Momma, good lord! The first thing which came to mind when I read your posting was, “You win.” My only fear now is to read what you do on the 31st. Do you start all festivities with a bang?
All the best to you in your world. I’m reading. wb 🙂
yes, I plan to start it with a huge bang since I will be with my lovah. I read you today and had no idea about your injuries last Spring! Duude! I enjoyed you today.
Acccckkkkk! I’m so sorry, because that’s really frightening. I hope your lovah has you in good hands now.