Al was here this past weekend, Woopee! We even had the luck of a snow day extension as his flight was cancelled back to the North East. I recognize that it is now almost the weekend again, but I have been covered up with work and kids and assorted high levels of shit making it difficult to get blog time. Better late than never.
I have had relatively few days over the past month of having the kids all at school on any given day. They have each missed days with random illnesses and I have spent tons of time at the ped. In addition, Stanley tested positive for Flu B and missed an entire week of work. None of the kids ever tested positive for flu although I kept shlepping them to the ped for flu tests since they were sick. It was that kind of week.
It was also the kind of week where I would come out of the house to take a kid to the doctor or try to run see patients and find my car battery was dead. Whoohoo!
Also,apparently the universe thought I needed a lesson. It was the one that goes like this: sometimes other people fuck you over and sometimes you fuck yourself over or as I like to call it, THE GREAT CAR WASH INCIDENT.
Yes. I was supremely stupid and I have cost myself a large amount of money that I do not have. It was weekend before last and it was a beautiful day here, like the only one in ages. I went for a walk and then decided to clean my car. I did the inside and then ran up to the car wash, put in my card, entered the car wash and the soap started. I was sitting there minding my own business and had the odd sensation that I was moving. I thought, “Oh, I always feel like I’m moving in the car wash, I’m not moving.”
It was horrible. Immediately I thought, that car wash thingy fell on my car, because
So, there I sat, in my car, covered in soap and horrified at the injustice.
I pulled out and pulled over and the back of my car, primarily the trunk, was folded up like an accordian.
Not cool, people.
I looked for someone who worked there, nothing. I called my mother crying. I called the cops to right the wrong. I prayed to the Universe to do a timey wimey Dr. Who thing and let me repeat the past 5 minutes when I would decide my car was fine dirty.
Finally, I pulled around and watched the car wash and came to the realization that there was nothing that fell on my car, I was in fact moving and backed up and the thingy came down right were it was supposed to. Unfortunately, my car’s ass was there .
Embarrassing and stupid.
I got so jacked around when I was buying this car by myself after my divorce that I asked Al to stay an extra day so he could go with me to some auto body shops to get estimates. On Monday and Tuesday (thanks Juno, sorry to the people that suffered the blizzard but it was good for me) we drove the accordian car and told the story of the nasty broken car wash all over town. Al folded his arms and looked appropriately menacing and I kept my mouth shut for once.
I hate making my own life harder and I made it harder to the tune of about 2K.
Since I have a $1100 Am Ex bill that is about $2700 more than I have.
Basically, I have made the decision that I like trunks that look like accordians and I can deal with it until I can afford to have it fixed. I do have insurance but I can’t even manage my deductible at this point so nevermind. Stupid, stupid, stupid girl.
Thankfully it is now the 29th and this stupid month is almost over. Unfortunately that brings us to February and we have got to make some decisions about this wedding, these kids, the house, the broken pool, and more, I need a drink and it is 9:45 a.m. I hope all of y’all are faring better.
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