I still haven’t had my meeting with Stanley. We got delayed again due to unexpected circumstances. After work on Wednesday, I was digging in a dirt bed that I intend to transform into a flower bed, minding my own business, and congratulating myself on my use of a shovel, when Mom came in with Merlot who was sobbing and limping.
She hurt her ankle on the playground during the last 5 minutes of school.
One look and I knew she had to go to the ER. I sent a text to Stanley and to Al, telling both where I was off to and climbed in Mom’s car (she volunteered to drive us so I could sit on the backseat with Merlot) covered with dirt from my soon to be flower bed. We wait 2 hours, deal with dumb ass after dumb ass, and then they tell me that the xrays are inconclusive and she can’t rule out a fracture and they want to send us to the orthopedic specialist at their after hours clinic. Call to Stanley to update him and ask him to go get the boy who is at a friend’s house working on a project. Mom agreed to take Jumping Bean home and drop us at the clinic. Stanley agreed he would come out and meet us there.
Merlot and I are waiting and waiting, aging every second.
She’s crying and I’m trying to console her.
Finally, they put us in a room.
At some point in there my phone died.
No phone, no car, baby who’s crying and can’t walk, covered with dirt from my dirt bed.
So, I call him again using the clinic phone.
I’m all like, “Okay we are in a room can you come on now?”
and he’s all like, “I’ll come in a while, I’m just sitting down to dinner.”
I’m all like, “Well, please don’t have dessert and coffee because she’s crying out here.”
Merlot was crying from pain and fear and hunger. She’s like, “Is he coming Mommy?” I said, “Yes, he’s eating his dinner.” She burst into louder sobs and I said, “I know, I know, I want to hit him with a brick.” She almost laughed. I said, “Srsly, he must not get the urgency of this situation.” She almost laughed again.
Then the Orthopedist came in and said she had a fracture in her growth plate and we totally quit laughing.
They got her fixed with a boot and crutches, and we slowly made it to the lobby.
Still no Stanley.
I call him again from the lobby phone.
Finally he shows. Merlot tells him she hopes he enjoyed his dinner.
Passive-aggressives start early, my friends.
He picked her up and put her in his car and drove us back to the house. It was my night on so he quickly dropped us and left. He gave her a hug and I heard him whisper in her ear that he is always there for her and will always come right away if she needs him.
She hugged him and nodded, but looked at me and I knew she was thinking,
“Sure, right away after you’ve finished dinner.”
I was like,
So, she has to be off of it for 4 weeks. I kept her home yesterday to let her get used to the crutches and boot (cast Monday), but she is at school today. She started crying at bedtime last night because he is on for the weekend. Jumping Bean came up with the idea of maybe taking her to get her ears pierced this weekend because she has been begging for me to take her. I guess 9 with a broken growth plate is close enough to the 10 year old age limit I set for ear piercing.
I know he was off parenting duty on Wednesday, but you are never really off parenting duty and he needed to get his ass out there. I know he was probably having dinner with his girlfriend and she may not have been happy about me calling over and over.
I was so mad at him I considered calling him “Honey” on his FB page.
Anyway, she is totally aware now that she has an assclown in her family tree.
Oh my…there are tears in my eyes. I feel slightly guilty for laughing so hard, because I’ve been there and I know how frustrating it can be. Well done restraining yourself though. I guess Stanley will live to eat another dinner.
Ugh. I read this with a great deal of recognition I’m so sorry. 🙁
I have a similar story from when I was married.
I was doing a chemo session during cancer, at he hospital by myself because my husband had other things to do. (!!) I had an allergic reaction and went into anaphylactic shock – my pulse went up to 180 and my blood pressure went crazy and my vision went black and at frst the nurse forgot to turn off the chemo that was causing the reaction….it was really, really bad. When a more astute nurse (the first one was actually fired due to this event, as I found out later) saw what was happening, she literally leapt over a desk and started working on me, and then there were 10-15 people working on me, and oxygen masks and steroid injections etc. to help me survive it.
When I could talk again I said ‘please let me call my husband’ and I called him, tearful, and said, “I nearly died…it was so scary….can you come? When I recover from the reaction I still hve to get the chemo, they’re giving me steriods to tolerate it….” and he said, “Well, I’m just sitting down to dinner so I’ll be there in a couple hours.” I said, “Please….” and he said “Well I have to eat!”
I have no idea why I didn’t divorce him on the spot. It was one of the lowest moments of my life.
After that I brought friends with me to chemo and quit relying on him. The divorce came a few years later.
People are just so selfish. I’m sorry you had to go through that alone. I’m appalled. Then they wonder why we are unhappy!