I was at a Valentine’s Party last night and had too much fun.
It was my first Valentine’s date in a long time.
My lovah was there and he was fun… and so were the drunken gummy bear shots.
There were lots of friends there, many that have exes, and we were drinking and throwing back vodka soaked gummy bears and sharing how sucky our exes are.
In our gummy bear haze, my hilarious friend Carol and I came up with Assclown Bingo!
Ex Sucks is a Free Space, I mean, obvs we all get that one.
I was missing one space and then I saw on FB that Pauline’s Kid’s stepmother called her a ‘fucking lunatic’ yesterday, so…
Al and I had a great night on Friday night, a great morning on Saturday morning, a super fun lunch with some friends and then, there we were, all intertwined and minding our own business, and his ex intruded again on Saturday afternoon.
Really, why are people so awful?
Like for instance, she hangs up on him. Like it is some kind of punishment. She has hung up on him hundreds of times. If I hung up on someone, or Al hung up on me, it would make an impact, because that never ever happens. But when someone does it all the time, it isn’t as though it makes any impact on him at all. He just stops and has a giggle.
Anyway, if anyone wants to do some gummy bear shots and play Assclown Bingo, I’m game!
Haha!! Good one. I’m sure I would have had BINGO several times in the past few years. There should be a spot for lied about why he didn’t pick up the kids.