Is stronger than spidey sense.
Spidey Sense: The freakish sixth-sense imparted on Peter Parker (AKA:Spiderman) after being bit by a radioactive spider.
Last night I watched their little plane over the ocean on the flight tracker app until about 1 am. Then I gave myself a good talking to and decided I was being ridiculous and that I needed to go to bed because if not, then they would miss a night’s sleep and so would I. So, I took 2 Tylenol PM’s, a Xanax and went to sleep. They were due to land at 10:45 a.m. London time which is 4:45 a.m. our time. At 4:40 my mommy sense went to tingling and I woke up with a start, looked at the flight tracker on my phone and it said 04 minutes left of flight time.
My mommy sense is strong, people.
I kept refreshing until I got a text from Stanley 4 minutes later
that they were on the ground.
At 8:05 a.m. I got a call from England and spoke to all 3 kids.
They had arrived safely at Grandmum’s house and had all had a cup of tea.
The girls sounded great the boy sounded dead tired.
I didn’t have to talk to Stanley because I am divorced.
But I did see on Facebook his first pic since arrival.
okay, I know it was 3 pm. there but it was 9 am. here and
no way around it, he drinks too much.
I whispered in Merlot’s ear when she was crying yesterday to
write in her diary every time Grandmum has a
hissy fit or yells at Grandpa.
She laughed and said she would.
Hope she doesn’t get a hand cramp!
I’m very relieved they are there.
I de-friended the ex on Facebook, also because I’m divorced!