Yesterday started suspiciously.
First, I got out of the shower, begging Merlot to just try to go to school.
Isn’t that the opposite way it is supposed to go?
I hate when I realize that the shoe is on the foot and I am the one doing the pleading.
Then I take the top off my deodorant and the end of the white stuff goes
flying plop into my coffee.
You know, the end part that goes in here.
Merlot had missed most of the week at school and her spelling test is today. We started looking at her spelling words on Wednesday but as of 6 p.m. last night, she had no clue. I called them out and found this when I checked them.
Luckily is it unlikely ‘Stupid’ will ever be a spelling word.
It went that way all day until 9:10 last night when I was getting the kids to go up to bed and someone opened the refigerator and a carton of blueberries tumbled out splat on the floor. Then a carton of juice boxes fell out and landed on top of them. SPLAT. Nothing like having to mop the floor at 9:15 at night.
It was similar to this and I am still finding blueberries this morning.
Al wasn’t completely happy with me for the post about my luggage. He became defensive about the whole ‘concert’ thing. We had to have a discussion about the post’not being about concerts but instead being about the fact that I have had most experiences in the dating world already. You know. Dating with baggage.’
Oh and I decided that 13 year-old boys are total assholes.
My boy who loved me more than anybody is now sullen and slams doors when I say things like,
“Heck no, I’m not buying you an Airsoft Gun.
You live in a city and don’t always display the best judgement.”
Case in point, he had a friend here for a sleepover last week and they kept going outside after dark. Finally, JB narc’d on them and said they were starting fires in the front yard with Lysol.
Really? Really?
And yesterday, I took them both to Target to buy a tri-fold board for their science fair project and told them to take the cart back to the car rack thingy (or whatever) in the parking lot, and after a minute, they still aren’t back. Then they are running to the car, saying, “Go, GO!”
They have lifted up some of the carts, turned them on their sides,
and put them on top of the others.
(imagine in a mound)
They were laughing like fools.
Yes, they need access to a gun alright. Even one with soft pellets.
Like I need a hole in my head or Stanley needs another beer.
But it has to turn around. Because Al is coming!
And I can make up to him the whole ‘concert’ thing.
Sending peaceful vibes out into the world today.
Have a good weekend.
Enjoy your visit – I had coffee with someone that managed to be kind for like 90 minutes. Pleasant and astonishing how good relationships can be, tho we did spend a chunk of time discussing our baggage. I am starting to think people that divorce do value relationships and give up on things that are clearly not in the same game as functioning relationships. And life with kids, exes and so on and so forth is just flat out complex.
–Anon B (same as a few days ago, and a real person, tho the anon right after my comment is some spambot).
I figured that one out, Spambot! I think I am staying much too sober for all of this crap. Glad to hear about your 90 min date!