My kids have their standardized tests this week.
I hate them, for real.
Even Merlot is stressed. They talk to the kids so much about it at school that at 8 years-old, she is worried she will be a failure in life if she doesn’t do well on these tests. It’s crazy to do this to kids. Even among my 3 they are different in their ability to take these tests although I think they are all equally bright.
The Boy, tests well.
But is a lazy student.
Jumping Bean tests okay
But is a better student.
Guess I am about to find out.
But I do know that kids shouldn’t have this level of stress. Your whole life is not determined at age 8. Is it? I don’t remember 2nd grade but it certainly wasn’t this stressful. Just her spelling lists put me over the edge. She had to spell persuade this year.
For real, I had to look that up just now.
Merlot was crying last night because she was worried about her math test today.I loved her and tucked her in early and assured her she would do fine. Then waited an hour and left her tooth fairy money under her pillow.Pathetic.
Al’s youngest daughter has been majorly stressed. I’ve been trying to support him while he is supporting her.
She has had major amounts of school work due. Like a Macbeth paper.
When did you start studying Macbeth in 9th grade?
I think we did that in 11th or 12th grade.She has worked and worked and worked on it and cried
and worked some more
Seriously, it’s not a
she is so stressed out
she has trouble sleeping.
She is 14 years old and has insomnia.
How have we allowed our kids to get this stressed?
In addition, her friends are stressed. She worries about them. And she has a lot to worry about. They have depression issues and are cutting and have inpatient psych stays. They are 14 years old. I don’t understand how our kids got this stressed.
All of this shit is enough to make you want to homeschool.
I could protect them from stress from testing
and from stressed out friends.
But I would be a terrible homeschooler.
In my work in pediatrics, I have seen some kids that were awesomely homeschooled. And I have seen some that stayed home and watched TV and were borderline illiterate. I’m afraid mine would be dumb as rocks if it was left to me to teach them.
“I never needed it, we can skip that, Honey.”
Let’s just have a snack.I sure as hell wouldn’t be teaching them Macbeth.Which I guess is necessary. But is it?Power, betrayal, madness…These kids have easy access to all of The Real Housewives shows. So, I did my part and put them to bed on time and got them upearly enough to feed them breakfast.Al does his part by staying up late to help withMacbeth papers and physics exams.God bless the teachers. God bless the children who have to deal with thesestressors waay to early. And a
upside the head to the people in government who thinkall of this testing is needed.
Yeah. A lot of stress. CRAZY stress. (But homeschooling? I could never do it…)